Ended Official BYC Article Writing Contest #1

One of these days have an "entertaining" article contest and I'll enter that. While I can keep a reader through the end of an article, my chicken-fu is weak. :)
I kept getting the message '______is not a valid article title' when trying to post my article, what's wrong?

Please send me a PM with the article title, the steps your taking before getting that message, and the browser / version you're using and we'll check it out.

is there a deadline for the articles?

No deadline yet. We weren't sure how quickly peeps would write, but as soon as we know we're around 30 articles we'll have a clear end date.

You'll add the article to the Member Pages section.

Go to this page: https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/0/Member_Pages
Click on the “Add a Learning Center Article” button

Looks like this:

Once your article is posted, reply to this thread with a link to the article!!

Rob, you say, "Click on the “Add a Learning Center Article” button, but the button you have circled above in the example actually only says, "Add a member page". Is this the same function?? And how would the member pages I see displayed here make it onto the Learning Center Articles tab? I am a wee bit confused...
Thanks for any clarification!

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