Ended Official BYC Article Writing Contest #4

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Come join us, you can share your knowledge next time! We will be patient or just get old
waiting. While we wait maybe we'll see a few more
chicks get hatched. Or possibly they will grow up while we wait.
One day we will find out and be sooo
happy and
cheer. Then we will tell everyone what a great job they did.
If we necessary we shall console others...
We've got winners!!! Everyone did such a fantastic job with all the articles... but we were forced to find some winners.

After a long and rigorous review process we're SUPER excited to announce the winners of our BYC Article Writing Contest:

First Place: $30 Amazon Gift Card

Nambroth The Great Big Giant Mareks Disease FAQ
Pyxis Guide to Letting Broody Hens Hatch and Raise Chicks

Second Place: $15 Amazon Gift Card

Reurra Keeping a Rooster
aoxa Raising Cornish X for Meat: The Truth
Banriona Chicken Toys: Why They are Important and How You Can Provide Them

Third Place: 6 Month GFM

Sumatra503 Trimming Your Chickens' Nails, Beaks, Spurs - Tutorial
Nutcase How To Train Your Chicken
Demosthine Caruncles, Combs and Wattles: The Features, Functions and Healthcare
fishnet1971 So You Want to Rescue a Chicken. Now What?
cluckcluckgirl Bumblefoot in Your Flock

A huge CONGRATS to all the winners and a GREAT JOB to everyone that participated!!!

BTW, here's a link to the NEW ARTICLE CONTEST: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/864291/byc-article-writing-contest-5-2014-write-win

Note to winners: We'll be contacting you in the couple of days with your prizes. Your fantastic articles will be featured on the homepage of the site and also added to our "Learning Center"!

Here is a list of all the submissions:

44Wolves Boredom Busters - Toys for Chickens
maybejoey Molting for Dummies
Reurra Keeping a Rooster
Cemani Farm Herbal Medicine for Chicken
loveourbirds From Chicken Hobby to Chicken Business in 4 Years
cluckcluckgirl Bumblefoot in Your Flock
Pyxis Guide to Letting Broody Hens Hatch and Raise Chicks
Nutcase How To Train Your Chicken
MsChickenMomma Strangulation in Tongue Mimics Wet Fowl Pox
appps Is it a Rooster? Some Simple Signs
Nutcase Gardening with Chickens
loveourbirds Sex-Linked Chickens for Beginners: What they are and how to breed them
aoxa Raising Cornish X for Meat: The Truth
Nambroth The Great Big Giant Mareks Disease FAQ
Lots A Cluckin Feeding a Balanced Diet
Nutcase Quick Guide to Treating Egg Binding
Banriona Chicken Trivia: 20 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Chickens
Nutcase My Coop Checklist
Banriona Chicken Toys: Why They are Important and How You Can Provide Them
fowlsessed Runs vs Pens and What is Possibly the Best Way to Keep a Flock
fowlsessed Breeding Chickens: Selection Variation It's a Journey to Perfection
fowlsessed Taming and Curing Flighty Birds
roostersandhens The Pros and Cons of Getting Chickens
fishnet1971 So You Want to Rescue a Chicken. Now What?
Farming Frenzy Free Range vs Chicken Run
Pyxis Prevent and Treat Frostbite in Chickens
Pyxis Getting the Most Out of Your Hatching Eggs
realsis Mites - Common Pests That Live on Chickens
cackleberrycam Interesting Chicken Facts Did You Know?
Farming Frenzy Letting Broody Hens Hatch and Raise Chicks
AmberRex Diagnosing Incubation Problems and Hatch Failures: My Incubator and Me
escape Free Range versus Chicken Run - Or is there a Better Way?
Mr MKK FARMS Keeping Your Chickens Safe from Predators
roostersandhens Chickens' Communication
Mr MKK FARMS Keeping a Rooster or Not - Pros and Cons
Kathryn P How to Decide if a Rooster is Right for You
Kathryn P How to Introduce Your Dog to Your Chickens Safely
roostersandhens How to Tell Your Chicken's Gender
chickenpooplady Did You Know? Interesting ChickenFacts
Demosthine Caruncles, Combs and Wattles: The Features, Functions and Healthcare
chickenpooplady Understanding the Heritiability of the Rose Comb Trait
Sumatra503 Trimming Your Chickens' Nails, Beaks, Spurs - Tutorial
AmberRex Soft Shells and Other Egg Problems - Causes and Cures
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