Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 12/04/2017 - Pic by Stayc


sniff sniff someone needs a bath
Dog: 'So Doc, do you think you can do it?'
Chicken: 'I can most definitely remove the splinter with very little pain. However, i do expect payment for the service.'
Dog: 'Anything!'
Chicken: 'it is going to cost you- your kibble for 3 days'
Dog: :eek: '3 days, doc??!!??'
Chicken: 'yes, it must be worth our while. Its either the kibble, or you keep the splinter'
Dog: 'Fine! just do it :hit '
Chicken: 'done.'
Dog: 'Really? thats it?'
Chicken: :rolleyes: ...dogs...

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