Ended Official BYC Contest - Post your best broody and babies pic and win!

new to BYC, does one rent roosters similar to horses or dogs to increase numbers?

Stud services between birds does present a few issues.

First there is the quarantine problem (Usually new adult birds are kept separate for more than a month to ensure that disease etc is not transmitted to either side)
Next comes the issue of hens laying. Stress can cause hens to stop laying for a period of time so in general you only want to move the boy. But introduction of a roo to a flock can be stress enough to stop hens from laying for a period of time
Next comes the issue of integration and mating in general a new roo may be challenged and not permitted to mate by the head hen. He may over mate a particular hen. Hens also technically have the capacity to reject/eject sperm from the storage locations they use to fertilize eggs.

I think bio security is the main concern though which prevents the easy integration issues.
So cute!! What does she think of them?

She seems to like them! She accepted them when they were a few days old, and has raised them ever since
She looks debeaked -- did you rescue her from a factory farm? So nice that you gave her such a happy new life where she can be a broody.
Yes, she is one of our rescues. It's one of the most satisfying things in the world to see those poor hens, who had lived in poultry concentration camps all their life, start behaving like real chickens.

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