Ended Official BYC Contest: Worst Chicken Molt Pictures - Fall/Winter 2012

I have a partridge cochin hen that is currently broody, and has chosen to use her time off wisely - to molt! She's not laying anyway, so it's as good of a time as any to molt :)
Poor Janet :lol:
There is Janet's sister Mabel
But Honey is my worst molting chicken so far. She is at the front of this picture.
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Ok my RIR isn't 1/2 as bad as all of yalls LOL, so I definately can't top that, but here's a picture of Scaleyfoots molt, hers was slow-going, it took her at least 4-5 months, she just now is getting more normal looking :)

These pics are before she lost that last tail feather, I had her tail-less but I don't think I took a pic....

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