Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest—Fancy Feathered Fellas Photo Contest

Lilliane pretending he can't see me.
Gorgeous! Are these fun to raise? Just want to consider the breed.
Thanks! They are definitely interesting. The females are a bit flightyish. The males are spunky, similar to Sebrights.

Unfortunately, this handsome guy had to be put down. He flogged me so many times and actually caused an injury to my hand. My silver rooster on the other hand is nothing like that. So it does depend on the roo as well.
This is Goldie, he is a great rooster. He has shown some signs of aggression but not to the point of being horrible. Just some dominate dancing around me. He is a mystery chicken I hatched out in March this year, and he is a beautiful specimen of chicken flesh even if he might not be a pure breed. He loves to “talk” to me and my sister, he is talking almost 24/7, just walking around going brrr brrr brrr. I hope you enjoy looking at him!

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