Ended Official BYC Mini-contest - Tell us your funniest chicken story and win!

My funny story is an ongoing saga.

Our very first batch of chicks was an assorted heavy mix. This group had three identical gold fluff balls. It was a while before we were able to tell them apart. All three were pullets. One became the broodiest thing ever, we named her Big Mama, but this saga is not about her.

The second was curious and a bit naughty from the start, we named her Dottie!
Dottie was always outside the pen. Squeezing through a hole, or flying over the low part of the gate. As she grew, it became apparent that she was above the pecking order.
Obviously pecking order does not apply to a Dottie, and neither do fences.
"Mom, Dottie's in the yard!" "Mom, Dottie's on the back porch!" So soon Dottie became Rebel Dottie, because the rules just don't apply. "MOM Dottie's on the front porch, and she pooped on the step!"
So when Dottie went broody we thought that maybe she would stop her taste for adventure and settle down, and she did. She has been broody twice and we have gotten 9 lovely chicks from her. As soon as the babies were on their own though Dottie was back to her old tricks.
"Dottie get away from the road, that joke is way overplayed!"

Don't worry Folks, Rebel Dottie is alive and well, and still won't stay in the pen!

This was taken on Christmas Day 2014!!!
When seven of our chickens were three months old, they were still in the large grow-out pen in our workshop. Each night I would sit with them and when they began to get sleepy, I'd say "Go home" and one by one they would file through the little door and go to bed.

One night, I told them to go home and one must have been too slow getting off my legs because I suddenly had another fly up on my shoulder before I could stand up. Not wanting to knock them off, I slowly raised and rotated myself until I was on my hands and knees, thinking they would both hop off. They both stayed put and adjusted themselves as I moved. When a third one jumped on my back, I was trapped.

It quickly became the equivalent of a child's birthday party at one of those places with a bunch of inflatables. All seven of them took turns flying from my back to the bags of shavings, to the top of the rabbit hutch brooder, down to the chair, and down again to my back. One or two would be jumping down onto me as another would be flying up to the bags, so there wasn't time for me to get up. Around and around they went, enjoying their party for who knows how long, with me laughing so hard I wouldn't have been able to get up if I'd tried. My husband finally came out to see what was taking so long and ended the party, picking up each one as it jumped down.
On nice days my mom will sit on her porch with a book, a snack, and her parrot. The parrot, after demanding to be pet, will go up to her should r and take turns with her getting a bite of her snack. One day I was over to protect the chickens while they free range and one young unnamed hen decided that was what to do. She walked over to my mom, jumped in her lap pushing the book aside and got pet while she attempted to eat all of moms granola bar in one go. mamaws chickie makes this a regular practice now.
I let my two chickens out to free-range. One, Gracie, can actually fly for a small amount of time. She came hurtling out of the coop, began flying, flew for about 15 feet, and landed. But then she bounced, like a ball, and did that twice more before just bailing out.
I was laying in the grass well my chickens wandered around I was wearing gold ear ring that my great grandma had given me one of them came up and pecked my ear I felt for my ear ring and it was gone! One of my chickens eat my gold ear ring and we have not seen it for at least 6 months
I was laying in the grass well my chickens wandered around I was wearing gold ear ring that my great grandma had given me one of them came up and pecked my ear I felt for my ear ring and it was gone! One of my chickens eat my gold ear ring and we have not seen it for at least 6 months


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Ok so this is more cute then funny.

My niece LOVES chickens. She has always had a passion for animals since she was little. She also loves the white ones especially. Last spring I got some new chicks. She loved one the most. It was the smallest, so she named it chickadee. That bird was just the opposite of the other chicks, it loved her also.

So now my niece can't even speak outside my house or the chicken will holler for her. And when ever she enters the coop the chicken will fly up and sit on her shoulder. I have to hold the bird just so my niece can exit the coop.
This story is about my white bantam rooster Cloud. He's normally a very sweet little guy until he sees my hair up. For some reason he has something against hair ties ever since he learned to fly he will jump on my back while I'm knelt over filling up the feeder run over to my ponytail and start pulling at it. He won't stop until he's pulled it down to a certain point then he jumps down the tie still in his beak so it finishes coming out then he tosses it on the ground scratches it or sometimes even poops on it After that he's happy and runs out to join the others there's no point in trying to stop him either because he won't stop pestering me until its out and going to the coop with my hair down isn't an option because my hair is past my butt so it makes my mornings interesting lol
One of my girls was on the deck alone, I was a few meters away with the other girls. she was busy eating seeds and didn't see the cat sitting right by her side. as soon as she looked up she screamed soooo loud and flew off the deck all the way to where we were! it was so funny. (Our cat would never harm her)

My boyfriend had bought me real pearl earrings, the same day my chicken pecked it and and it was gone! out of sight!!!! I was freaking out, the chicken ate my REAL pearl! then I found it in the grass! good thing she didn't swallow it...

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