Official BYC Poll: How Important Is It That You Get Eggs From Your Chickens?

How Important Is It That You Get Eggs From Your Chickens?

  • Very Important

    Votes: 108 25.4%
  • Somewhat Important

    Votes: 118 27.8%
  • Not Important

    Votes: 26 6.1%
  • It's a Nice Benefit

    Votes: 156 36.7%
  • Other (please elaborate in a reply below)

    Votes: 17 4.0%

  • Total voters

BYC Project Manager

BYC Staff
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
Feb 22, 2009
People decide to raise their own backyard flock for a variety of reasons. Top amongst these reasons is the hens' ability to provide eggs (according to our poll: Why Do You Have Chickens). Yum, Eggs! Backyard and free-ranged hens produce eggs that are very nutritious and great tasting. Not to mention they are always fresh!

Now coming back to you and your flock: How important is it that you get eggs from your chickens?
  • Very important: I buy production breeds, use artificial lighting, and get rid of them after they aren't strong layers anymore.
  • Somewhat important: I buy production breeds, but do not use any lighting or cull older birds.
  • Not Important: I buy production breeds, but I don't really mind them going broody, or pausing laying.
  • It's a nice benefit: I have mixed breeds that I raise for other reasons. But I'm grateful for whatever eggs they provide, whenever they can.
Place your vote above, and please elaborate in a reply below if you chose "Other".

official byc poll (29).png

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I don't buy production breeds or have any fancy lighting, but I'm ready to get rid of the hens that aren't producing in lieu of new ones. So while it's very important to get eggs and installed a camera so I can see who isn't doing their part, I enjoy their company and there are certain hens I'll keep regardless.

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