Official BYC Poll: How Often Do You Clean Your Coop?

How often do you clean your coop?

  • Every day

    Votes: 295 15.7%
  • Twice or more per week

    Votes: 135 7.2%
  • Once per week

    Votes: 399 21.2%
  • Once per month

    Votes: 233 12.4%
  • Twice per year

    Votes: 240 12.8%
  • Once per year

    Votes: 79 4.2%
  • Whenever it needs it

    Votes: 472 25.1%
  • Never

    Votes: 29 1.5%

  • Total voters
I clean it whenever it needs it.

It dies vary some. In winter I want that poo load low to help keep humidity in check. In winter it gets a full clean every week and a spot clean in between if we are expecting below freezing temps. In summer they are outside a lot more so once every week to week and a half keeps it clean.
I scoop out poop daily, takes about 5 minutes. I add pine shavings, lime, and PDZ as needed. The bedding gets completely removed maybe twice a year.

I completely clean the run about 3-4 times a year, scraping everything out and replacing the rice hull bedding out there, on a base layer of lime and DE.

That said, they spend very little time in the coop and run, mainly only to sleep and have breakfast, before they are let out into the yard.
Full coop clean outs: I rake and sweep out bedding, and dump and refresh nest materials, twice a year, April and October. Though I plan on leaving the hemp that's under the roosts for a full year and see how that does. In addition, in October I take in a leaf blower, don as much protective covering as possible, and "dust" out the coop and vents.

I spot clean under roosts each morning, sifting poop out from the hemp to go into compost.
It's not a pleasant part of keeping chickens, but it's one we must all deal with regardless: poop. How often do you clean your coop out? Don't include pens in your answer, just your coop or coops. Do you find it easy or difficult to clean them out? What changes to your coop design or technique would you make to improve the process?

(Check out more Official BYC Polls HERE!)
I clean my two coops pine shavings out once a month. I spray Permethrin along all the seams and allow to dry. I scrape the perches pretty much daily. If by chance there is poop in the nesting boxes, I remove it when collecting eggs. Both coops are waist high and I can reach all of it with a rake or hoe. I have used a step stool to climb inside if needed and I can stand inside of it. The nesting boxes are accessible from outside.
I use the pine shavings for the deep litter (not bedding) technique that helps absorb the poop and before their auto door opens in the morning, they seem to help to stir the shavings up
This technique works Great for me.
In the dead summer of the Florida heat, I change the coops pine shavings out every two weeks and sooner as needed.
Plus, I also hang a Trapstik with guards for flys. This works for me.
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I clean out the coop once a year. Whether it needs it or not!
The poop boards are cleaned every morning. The floor of my coop gets very little poop in the bedding as the birds go out to the run as soon as they come off the roost and wait there for me to release them.
When winter really bears down, they will spend more time hunkered down in the bedding of the coop.View attachment 2583454
I'll be doing a cleaning next month. It'll get hit with a spray down of Elector PSP when I've emptied it and before I bed it down.
Nice coop!

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