Official BYC Poll: What type of COOP bedding do you like best?

Which type of COOP bedding do you like best?

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I use shavings on floor, straw in nests, PDZ(zeolite) on poop boards.

What kind of bedding you use may depend on how you manage the manure.
This is about cleaning, but covers my big picture

-I use poop boards under roosts with thin(<1/2") layer of sand/PDZ mix, sifted daily(takes 5-10mins) into bucket going to friends compost.

-Scrape big or wet poops off roost and ramps as needed.

-Pine shavings on coop floor, add some occasionally, totally changed out once or twice a year, old shavings added to run.

- My runs have semi-deep litter(cold composting), never clean anything out, just add smaller dry materials on occasion, add larger wood chippings as needed.

Aged ramial wood chippings are best IMO.

-Nests are bedded with straw, add some occasionally, change out if needed(broken egg).

There is no odor, unless a fresh cecal has been dropped and when I open the bucket to add more poop.

That's how I keep it 'clean', have not found any reason to clean 'deeper' in 5 years.
Thank you so much ! I appreciate the fine detail. That was awesome of you to take the time to do that. I am so grateful!
I use shavings on floor, straw in nests, PDZ(zeolite) on poop boards.

What kind of bedding you use may depend on how you manage the manure.
This is about cleaning, but covers my big picture

-I use poop boards under roosts with thin(<1/2") layer of sand/PDZ mix, sifted daily(takes 5-10mins) into bucket going to friends compost.

-Scrape big or wet poops off roost and ramps as needed.

-Pine shavings on coop floor, add some occasionally, totally changed out once or twice a year, old shavings added to run.

- My runs have semi-deep litter(cold composting), never clean anything out, just add smaller dry materials on occasion, add larger wood chippings as needed.

Aged ramial wood chippings are best IMO.

-Nests are bedded with straw, add some occasionally, change out if needed(broken egg).

There is no odor, unless a fresh cecal has been dropped and when I open the bucket to add more poop.

That's how I keep it 'clean', have not found any reason to clean 'deeper' in 5 years.
aart, your Username...does that have anything to do with you being an American Registered Radiologic Technologist - member? I used to be for many years just in case.
I appreciate the fine detail. That was awesome of you to take the time to do that.
No Problem, quite lazy actually, It's written up in my notes and I just copy and paste so I don't have to retype ;)

does that have anything to do with you being an American Registered Radiologic Technologist - member?
After using hay for years, I switched to straw and have been very happy with it. It stays much drier than hay, doesn't pack/clump like hay, and it doesn't cause impacted crops. The chickens love to scratch in it to find leftover grain etc. My chickens always eat shavings and the stuff we get is too dusty, so I don't feel comfortable using shavings in the coop.
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Hi everyone!

Please answer the poll for your what you use in your coop...not run or brooder.

(Check out more Official BYC Polls HERE!)
I use the same pine shavings as the kind that I use for my horse. They were handy, clean and dry. The birds seem to enjoy hollowing out their gang sleep-box. (My Silkie pullets are only about 4 months old, and the roo will be a year old in July.) It’s so funny to watch him gathering his girls into the (big) sleeping box for the evening.

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