Official Poultryland thread (See first page)

How could you do that? It seems like a near-impossible task.

That said, if you could do it I'd be a very happy. That game was a lot of fun.
Not impossible for me, I created Poultry Land. I wouldn't be able to get your accounts back or the domain but I have the beta copy of the game (unfortunately I didn't take a backup of the site before Russ stole it from me) and all the original art assets.
I don't know what, if any, changes Russ was able to make after he kicked me off the project (I know the programmer he originally found refused to work with him after she found out what happened) but I'm pretty sure I could get it back to at least the state we launched it in fairly easily.
Oh. I'm finding this all rather difficult to believe, but if you're not just a troll then yes. Yes. YES! Poultryland deserves to exist again.
I need to do a bit of tidying up and clearing out of data but the original poultryland beta is up and running. I'll post the url here as soon as the DNS propagates. It will take some time to get everything back up and running, its still using the beta graphics but I have all the upgraded graphics, they just need loading in again. All the new features I added between beta and launch are gone but over time we can get them back.
ok, to prove I'm not just trolling you ;)

This is pretty much the game as it was in the first days of beta. I wish I'd taken a later backup but I never expected to get screwed over so I didn't bother taking my own backups. I'm sure its full of bugs and its using the old beta graphics (I have the new graphics but the code doesn't know how to use them yet, I haven't even looked at this code in nearly 5 years so it'll take a while to get back up to speed. In the meantime, feel free to play with whatever isn't broken, post of the forums etc and if there is enough interest I will rebuild the game from scratch on a new engine that will be more stable, secure and easier to update.
Okay, I believe you now. I'll see if I can contact some of the old Poultrylanders, because that site looks pretty legit to me.
The beta art's pretty cool, by the way. :)

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