Official Poultryland thread (See first page)

I don't see a Kirsten in there. I see a Laurie, an Altair, and a Stirlin. All of them are beautiful, though!

On holly's profile lol. Her mother, Kirsten Kennedy. I sold her to heny, who culled her
OMG!!! Altair just grew up!!! He's so cute!

Kirsten Kennedy is one of four children from letty K. and Winter Dream.
Check out the stats on my Roo!!!

Agility 13 Increase (7 SPs)
Strength 15 Increase (8 SPs)
Stamina 15 Increase (8 SPs)
Charisma 596 Increase (299 SPs)
Intelligence 596 Increase (299 SPs)
Production 14 Increase (8 SPs)
Total 1249 Champion

And they can all increase still but there really isnt enough contest if they are more then a champion

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