offshore fishing

a few in the 25 icnh range, but most averaged 15- 25 pounds. Uusually have some bigger fish, up to the 40's but there just wasnt anything to fish on. we caught all these off weed patches no bigger than a basket ball.

Headed back this weekend looks like
we were about 100 miles out from Mexico Beach FL. in 2200-2500 foot of water, the DeSoto Canyon if that helps.

all we had were Phones with us. Got good video of all of it, but you know, we never thought of taking pics??? duh.... caught up in the moment I guess... I was about to hand it off to a guest. My one rule was if it had a bill I'm catching it. My bucket list..haha

it grabbed the bait and blistered off 50-100 yards of line in 2 seconds . I snatched it out of the rod holder and yeld who wants it, this is a good fish. One of our buddies stepped up and started getting a belt on while I held it, all the time line burning out.
I turned back to look and started sticking the butt in his belt and it sky rocketed and started tail walking..... haha told him never mind and pushed him out of the way... I'm 110 soaking wet, he was about 225 ( the buddy) everybody got a kick out of watching me moving that big boy out of my way....was a blast for sure....
Heres a pretty nice Cobia.

Striper from right behind Hutchinson Island in Savannah.



we have stripers like that here in lower new york in the hudson river, i've caught a 32" before....

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