Oh boy! I now have ducks!

Predators, predators. If it wasn't for them, it would be a ducky world. As a kid we used to be so overjoyed when the wild mallards brought around their hatchlings, we always fed them. Bad, bad move, as each little duckling would get pulled under by snapping turtles or swooped down on by a seagull. Will never forget it. Horrible.

Wild ducks belong in ponds and lakes, not domesticated ducks that you so lovingly raise. Have a lady down the road with a nice pond, a little island in the middle and she actually put up a shelter as she has wild mallards come in every year. Gone. Gone. Gone. She's not sure what happened, they tend to wander up on shore, she thinks fox took them. Or some local dogs that run free. Or a coyote. Or a hawk. One day, just gone. You don't want that.

Get yourself some kiddie pools or dig something close so you can keep an eye on them. Had my 3 week old ducklings out in the garden last year with me by their side and a hawk swooped in so close I could have reached up and grabbed it. He didn't get anything, but was a good lesson for me. Even full grown, nothing is safe if you live "out there." It all depends on how expendable your ducks are. Do you care if they are there one day and gone the next? Of course you do!

Ducks are like chickens in that regard, they will see danger and will look up at the sky and take cover, BUT if they are engrossed in something, forget it. Having a rooster or a drake is always a good thing, they will always be on the watch, and a rooster will fight to the death for his flock but usually lose his life doing so. If they get used to your dogs and consider them friends, they will have no fear of wild things. Know it's the perfect picture, the ducks you raised floating peacefully in the pond, happy and carefree, but you will have your heart broken. Some critters will swim out to your little island if you have one and be a thief in the night. Sorry to give you nightmares, but have had all these things happen, and it's not fun.

If you are raising them for pets or for show or for breeding, best to keep them close and try to train them to stay that way. If you just want stock on your place, then whatever. Keep buying ducklings or hatching eggs tho, you will need them.
If there isn't an employee that knows ducklings at TSC, then they can only go by what info they get with the shipments.
Whatever they are, they are cute!
Nothing beats a duckling in cuteness factor.

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