Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

HUH? What happened?


Date: 2011-03-31, 2:23PM CDT
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]


Only free to a good home I will be picking how he 's to he is fat lol he's a good dog loves kids love men you can come and he him but I will be picking the best family for he email me Thax you

•Location: Kaplan
•it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 2297649988​

This is like a "Who's on first" type of conversation!!! They lost me! Let's play it back and try to follow again....
Ok, let me see if I read this right. This person has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to begin his chicken "hobby". Ok, so he is not picky as far as the incubator that he wants, but he IS picky when it comes to "not the normal-like breeds". of chickens that he wants. So he needs chicken cages too? Let's see.......
I guess he forgot to list that he needs starter/grower, feeders, waterers, heat lamps, brooder boxes, grit, oyster shell AND WATER. Now, I can understand if someone is looking for chicks or chickens but an incubator AND cages. Dude, come on!!!!!! What DO you have? Give it up Dude, you're not ready.

I am wanting to start hatching some chicks and hoping that someone had an old incubator around that they do not use-not picky.
Also hunting chicks/chickens that are not the normal-like japanese bantams, sumantras, seabrights, etc. If anyone has any they are looking to get rid of please let me know.
I also need chicken cages if anyone has any just hanging around. I am in xxxxxxxxxxxx area but will travel depending on what it is...
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Talk about needy! What the heck is a hunting chicks/chickens??? I'm telling you kuntrygirl...your CL ads dominate this thread! They are the best!!!

At least they are honest!

I need a couch, but... Heck, I'd probably take it if it was in my area. LOL. My couch is so old it has cardinals on it!

Um, eww?

We looked at a used car years ago. We took it to a mechanic to have it checked out and he agreed with us, there was an odd smell to it. Yep, there was a very, very good chance that a person had passed on to their reward in that car.

We bought a different car.
Is there a specifi breed of chicken that is "low cost to feed". If so, I want those. Can someone explain what does he mean when he says "Very hardy with predators". Does he mean that the predators will find these chickens very hard????????? And why is it great if you live near a country/swamp? Is it great because the alligators will eat them?

Chicks for sale - $2

Date: 2011-03-31, 9:37PM CDT
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]


Will have chicks hatching soon. Everyday layer of white med. egg. Low cost to feed. Have had this breed for 5 yrs now, great if you live near a country/swamp-very hardy with predators. 1st come 1st serve. Chicks coming mid-end of April and May. E-mail me for pictures $2.00 straight run only ($1.75 if 20 or more are purchased)

•Location: welsh
•it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 2298425721​

Talk about needy! What the heck is a hunting chicks/chickens??? I'm telling you kuntrygirl...your CL ads dominate this thread! They are the best!!!

Thanks Muggsmagee, I love our Craigslist. I read CL first before I read the local newspaper. Better entertainment.
I just found this thread! Fabulous! Here is a contribution:

Date: 2011-04-01, 10:01AM MST
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]

I received a lot of diapers from my child's baby shower and I can not possibly us them all. All really good brands and sizes newborn - size 5

I also received 100's of condoms as a joke. I am snipped.

If you want them there yours.

it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 2299300157​

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