Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

Now that is one very Unique Chicken Coop. Shall I say.... I secretly want it...
but I don't have enough dough...

You are NOT alone. I would so go buy that if I could.
puppy and kitten wanted (creve couer)

Date: 2011-07-21, 11:28PM CDT
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]

Hi i am liveing on fixed income write now and cant afford much but i am wanting to get mouse kitten and a puppy would love it to be min pin female or pit male or female please send photos of what you have i am on fixed income but i can sure give it a great home and alot of love and time thanks


If your on that much of a fixed income how are you going to provide for these animals???
Huh, what's a "mouse kitten"? Maybe they need a mouser?

Yes, a lot of folks don't realize the pets will become infested with vermin without fairly pricey meds every month. (Of course, in the old days pets just lived out in the yard, and they didn't live long compared with today. We went through a lot of sevin dust to keep the fleas down...)

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