Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

It won't be until the federal government re-classifies it. I had an uncle in CA whom got a card for medical pot and he tried to use it because of cancer, and it was worthless, he said it was less than worthless, because all it did was give him false hope that it would work and it never. so I will take his word for it, that it is good for nothing.
A friend is on chemo and radiation therapy- it helps her. Like any drug, idiosyncratic reactions are possible.
it was worthless, he said it was less than worthless, because all it did was give him false hope that it would work and it never. so I will take his word for it, that it is good for nothing.

Drugs work differently on different people and over time, that is why for a lot of long term treatments dosage is constantly adjusted and also drugs are switched up and changed...

I have no doubt that for some marijuana doesn't work as well as it does for others, its the nature of all drugs...

I have a few friends that have destroyed backs and have been through multiple surgeries and they both swear up and down it the best of the best... No medical marijuana in my state yet, so they both get a bunch of narcotic pain killers and nerve pain killers and both have zero hesitation on trading away those pain killers for their marijuana, says a lot to me since I know how well narcotics like oxy and morphine work on pain...
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My state has has medical marijuana coverage a while now, but employers are still allowed to screen for it and have policies against using it or being under the influence while on the job. Our job applications have a cover sheet with huge type stating you'll have to pass a drug test to get a job with us, but you wouldn't believe how many folks still try to pull the medical thing. Sorry, it's a care giving job and I just wouldn't trust someone to take care of Granny while they're stoned. I hope it never gets covered under the ADA. I do believe there is legitimate uses for it, but living in Oregon has shown me most of the card holders just want to get stoned. The medical part's a big joke here.
My state has has medical marijuana coverage a while now, but employers are still allowed to screen for it and have policies against using it or being under the influence while on the job. Our job applications have a cover sheet with huge type stating you'll have to pass a drug test to get a job with us, but you wouldn't believe how many folks still try to pull the medical thing. Sorry, it's a care giving job and I just wouldn't trust someone to take care of Granny while they're stoned. I hope it never gets covered under the ADA. I do believe there is legitimate uses for it, but living in Oregon has shown me most of the card holders just want to get stoned. The medical part's a big joke here. 

Are you against employing people that use other strong medicated mood altering drugs, anti psychotics, narcotics, or even drink as well? Because IMO any medication (many are labeled as such) or even legal drug can impair judgement and make for an employee risk, but that doesn't mean that all that take the drug are a risk...

I have seen my share of people on 'legit pills' taking their prescribed dosage whacked out of their noodle, I have seen my share of people that get obliterated on booze every day to the point they can't even function and pass out every night, and I have seen and I seen people smoking 'pot' with little to any noticeable 'impairment' effect... Or we could rewind that and swap any drug for the other in the previous...

I have also seen the ugly side of addiction from 'legit' strong 'pill' medications... I worked with a guy that would literally go into a trance, start jittering, sweating and start drooling (yes I'm serious) when it was time for him to take his next hand full of his 'ADA' protected prescribed pills...

IMO in the big picture marijuana taken in a prescribed dosage or off duty is one of the lesser evil drugs out there, honestly...

As always I advocate regulation and awareness, standards should be in force for many medications during employment hours and/or while doing things like driving even if they are scripted... I don't believe that if you have a script for marijuana (or any other drug) that it should be an immediate disqualification, an assessment should be make on an individual basis based on how it impacts you during the work hours...

I don't smoke but I know many that do, and probably 90% of them only do it after hours or on the weekends not during employment hours (and you might be surprised at the jobs many of them hold, from doctors, nurses, lawyers, firemen, EMTs, police, teachers and the list could go on) all would test positive if given a drug test, but are they necessary a risk at their day job because of their after hours activities? IMO the answer to that isn't a simple black and white...
With my company, even if you have an RX you can't be impaired while working. They're pretty liberal with drug testing. We provide caregivers that go into elderly folk's homes. Caregivers have to be alert. Marijuana also has a very strong odor that can't be present while you're on the clock. Same goes for cigarette smoke, which is totally legal. But if you smell like smoke and get complaints, you'll be let go.

IMO it's just too variable to have blanket protection the ADA would offer.
While searching for hens on Craig's List, I came across many little gems, but this one cracks me up. I guess the roosters aren't chickens. And, of course, please note that these are male roosters.

Roosters and hens for sale haines city (Haines City)

chickens and hens for sale haines city. Twenty dollar for male rosters, different price for the chickens.
While searching for hens on Craig's List, I came across many little gems, but this one cracks me up. I guess the roosters aren't chickens. And, of course, please note that these are male roosters.
Roosters and hens for sale haines city (Haines City)

chickens and hens for sale haines city. Twenty dollar for male rosters, different price for the chickens.
LOL... I have been trying to score some hens on the local Craigslist for several weeks now, nothing but a bunch of floozies out there... 9 out of 10 never reply to text or emails yet they keep re-posting the ad week after week with changes or price drops, are "They need to go ASAP, make me an offer I'm moving next week and can't take them with" captions... The few that do reply, are beyond wishy-washy almost as if they really don't want to sell the birds... Had one last week/this week that still irks me... Saw the ad and I was going to be in the area so I text them and ask if I can drop by (I was out on family business in the area and wasn't ready to pick up that day, but figured I could look and confirm I wanted them) they got right back to my text ASAP and I dropped by immediately no slacking on my part... I look over the birds, let them know what ones I'm interested in and tell them that I would like to stop by sometime the next day to pick them up... Since they didn't have asking prices in the ad for all the birds just a price range and I forgot to asked a total before I left, I sent them another text message about 10 minutes after I left asking for the total of those birds and asking if I could stop by the next day at a noon for pickup... Followed up with 4 other text over the course of 3 days to pick up those birds and they never replied back to any text... The next day (4 days after I said I would take them) they put up several new ads broken down by breed with prices including the exact birds I told her I would take off their hands... I just gave up on them at this point, it's almost like they want people to stop by for company and are using the birds as bait, not really looking to sell them...
Yeah, I actually responded to that ad. They told me that they had 8 hens and wanted $8 each. I asked what kind they were, their ages, asked for photos, etc. No response after that.

I responded to a few others and some responded telling me that they didn't have any chickens. Strange.

On another note, I did end up with 7 of my 9 pullets being cockerels, and I was successful in trading them for hens after posting them on Craig's List.

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