Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

im no dog expert, but that is clearly a maltese. the pics you have been seeing are show dogs. those are dogs that enter shows and get like 2 hour grooming sessions just to win a ribbon....anyway, but yes, that does looks like a maltese.

Uhh, I resold my breat pump. They are made to be multi-user. The milk never touches the pump itself, neither does the breast. You just get a new tubing set and you're good to go. Plus, those things are crazy expensive to buy new.

Date: 2012-08-11, 7:45PM CDT
Reply to:

Of the laying type, production red, road island red, barred rock, buff orpington and so. 573-721-XXXX

OK, I don't know about you but I'm not familiar with a rooster that is the laying type (unless they mean lazy and he's lying around all day long)
(I also like "road" instead of "rhode" but I understand that is a difficult word to spell)

Date: 2012-08-11, 7:45PM CDT
Reply to:

Of the laying type, production red, road island red, barred rock, buff orpington and so. 573-721-XXXX

OK, I don't know about you but I'm not familiar with a rooster that is the laying type (unless they mean lazy and he's lying around all day long)
(I also like "road" instead of "rhode" but I understand that is a difficult word to spell)
I think the poster meant he/she wanted a rooster of a breed known for good egg production. Just like a Holstein or a Jersey bull is known as a dairy bull.

y'all remind me of the old joke about convicts who've been in jail together so long they tell jokes by the numbers....
Convict Joe: "#27"
Other convicts: "HAhahahahaha!"
Convict Pete: "#41"
Other convicts: "Hahahahahahah!"
Convict Sam: "#25"
Other convicts: <stare silently at convict Sam>
Convict Pete: "you know, Sam, you just don't know how to tell a joke."

have pity on those who will come after us... post the text so these'll still be funny when the link no longer works!
Iguana pet supplies (food, lamps, virtually new) - $40 (Fawn Grove)

Date: 2012-08-11, 3:32PM EDT
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]

We have a small collection of materials that you would need in order to keep a pet iguana - and no iguana. So for anyone who wants to get an iguana, you can get all you need in one place. We have:

-container of adult iguana food
-vitamins/minerals supplement powder
-75W night-heat bulb
-125W day-heat bulb
-13W UV sunlight bulb
-funny story:

So my fiancee's father calls and says he found an iguana outside of where he works. And we're like, you don't see that everyday. So we figured he must have been an escaped pet! A two-and-a-half foot iguana, a few years old, just landed in our laps. We tried in vain to find an owner, so we kept him.

Things were going well, and the iguana was finally starting to get used to us, when we took him outside to get some sunshine...and the reptile a-hole runs away. Broke our hearts. Like seriously, we thought he liked us and he jumps 16 feet from our deck (her apartment is on the 2nd floor) to the ground and runs up a tree, never to be seen again.

We curse his name. We spit on his memory. And...*sniff*...every time we see that iguana food and the heat lamps, we are reminded of...THE PAIN. Also, that little betrayer cost us 60 bucks and then ran away. What a jerk.

Since we had opened the containers of food, and taken the bulbs out of the boxes...and this is Craigslist...we're not going to ask for the full 60 we spent. We used 1% of the stuff, and the bulbs were only on for A FEW HOURS. They're pretty much new.


Some people don't know how to post it.


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