Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

"uneqec" = unique

Yes, I'm a teacher. I recognize hooked on phonics when I see it.
That's got to be one of the worst I've seen! Usually I can eventually figure out what they're saying but I'm not sure how to "uneqec" anything nor what a rotator cap is unless it's a radiator cap. And nope, not a good idea to use someone's old radiator cap from a She'd.
I agree with 1Teacherchick that unequec is a unique "spelink" of unique.

I think you wear a rotator cap to a formal event to match your rotator cuff links.
people have problems spelling i do to
sure, some folks do... but most manage to make themselves understood....
it's the logic and structure issues that make me twitch... like the "other lamp"... other than ... WHAT!? or the "either" followed by only one option... either this or... WHAT!? c'mon, don't leave me HANGING... give me the rest of the information!
ok, ok, I'm a little obsessive on that score...

maybe the rotator cap is the Distributor Cap that goes over the Rotor... but then, *most* caps rotate... twist on,twist off. that's rotate.
sure, some folks do... but most manage to make themselves understood....
it's the logic and structure issues that make me twitch... like the "other lamp"... other than ... WHAT!? or the "either" followed by only one option... either this or... WHAT!? c'mon, don't leave me HANGING... give me the rest of the information!
ok, ok, I'm a little obsessive on that score...

maybe the rotator cap is the Distributor Cap that goes over the Rotor... but then, *most* caps rotate... twist on,twist off. that's rotate.
jajajajajajaja ok you have a point lol

Lost white jack russell - $100 reward (Wheaton Park MD)

Date: 2012-08-19, 4:28PM EDT
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We left our white jack russell terrior at Wheaton Park today, Sunday Aug 19th. She is all white with a brown patch on her eye and a brown tail. Please call Chaz at (240) 383-8200


Seriously??? How do you leave your dog at a park then call it lost?​
perhaps a medical emergency caused them to leave the dog behind, IDK, but to me a human life is more important than a dogs life but perhaps I do not have my priorities straight.
Yep, could be anything. I lost my hat this year when I put it on the roof of the truck an had a seizure minutes later. I woke up in an ambulance. The people that drove my truck home for me did not see it so no more hat. That hat was worth more to me than the truck but you cant help things sometimes.

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