OH dear GOD, I am gonna need help!!! LONG!! PICS!

What a looooooong day!!! I went to the drug store, and bought 2 containers of petroleum jelly, and disposable gloves. Came home....and just dug in. As I was looking at each of them...inspecting each one for bugs, sores,wounds.....I noticed several have bare chests red and sore looking. I am guessing these are urine burns...from laying in feces. I was able to glob on the vasoline really well...and was able to clip all the remaining toenails without getting blood. Several of them have NO toes...or no nails. Wondering if they will grow back? Thier poor feet...are so sore. I was doing a little silkie roo...he was so rowdy in my arms...after I got him settled in my lap....layed back a little and started messageing the vasoline into his poor feet and legs, I was talking softly to him, telling him he was going to be ok now, and that I would never hurt him...I looked over at him, he had his little head thrown back...eyes closed...I SWEAR I saw a little chickie smile! I reached down and kissed his little comb..he opened one eye, looked at me, and closed his eyes again. Do Chickens Sigh!?? I think he did! Sooo pitifull. I had to seperate the Roos from the girls...they were trying to mate endlessly. Everyone is settled in now...good feed...clean water, and clean straw for them to settle down in.
As for this woman being a horder?? Well...I think LAZY....DUMB....Oh, I could go on....she has several animals....2 Llamas, a lamb, a pot bellied pig, several rabbits, goats, cats!!!!! She has ferrets in outside cages...she told me she provides NO HEAT in the winter....ducks, geese, Peacocks/peahens...3 horses, and 5 dogs. Our local yokal humane society will do nothing!!! There are 3 people that work there, one truck, and a very small office with broken down fencing for runs....wired together. UGH!!! ALMOST as bad. She was looking over my set ups, and noticed an empty pool in the chicken yard....she said.." WHY do you have an empty pool in there, with no ducks"? I told her its for the chickens, I had emptied it the day before and had not cleaned it yet, and filled it. That I had to empty it because there was green growing in it. She said..AND I QUOTE " Why did you empty it? They LIKE green fungus, and its good for them!"
I tried to explain it was not good for them, but she would not hear it. When she came to the coop door, she heard a radio, and saw all the fans going, ( it was 90 degrees) and said..."Jeesh, they sure are spoiled, fans ,radios, pools" I explained the radio was to keep predators away, and the fans to cool them down. She said... " Well, MY chickens are not used to all this frivolouse stuff" SIGH!! Another sun sets on Heavens Door Acres....happy little chickens and turkeys settling in...I am listening to thier happy crows..and gentle clucks..( yes I have a baby monitor in there too, SPOILED CHICKENS!! LOL) Thanks everyone, for listening to me rant...and for the words of encouragement.
bellydancer....they were raised in wire cages, and neglected HORRIBLY. I was able to get them from her, and POSSIBLE another 20 next week.Im thinkink scaley leg mites...urine burns...I dont know. Vitamin deficiency I am sure, as all they were fed was scratch grains.
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How did you find this lady again? Was she advertising in the paper or what? It would require a huge amount of time to fix those birds, and they are lucky you are so willing. It would be a wonderful thought to think that maybe this dirty chicken lady is the only one in the world this way. But sadly enough those kinds of people aint on a endangered species list.
She had a sign at the feed mill....turkeys for sale. At the time I was battleing "Blackhead disease" In my RP hen, and was looking to replace her if she didnt make it.I DID get another turkey, a bronze hen....AND Eve made it! Looking great too!

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