Oh dear......here we go again!!!!! *sigh*

Now I want one
LOL they really are cool and people definitely look when they see you have an opossum!!!
Before I ended up with mine I saw a woman at the grocery store taking hers out of her car to pee....I freaked out! Had no clue you could have one!!! LOL Now I know!!!
Selena!!!! OMG--I can't be a possum! I think your baby is really cute, and know I'm gonna think about that little guy everytime time I see a big one dead on the road. I once found baby rats in my yard and wanted to raise them and everyone said I was being rediculous. My husbandsfriend Maryanne took a shovel to them--it was terrible!
LOL....yes, Abraham looks TOO much like his mom!!!

I still can't believe you are scared of a little opossum!!!
(I haven't ventured over to that thread to admit MY phobia....it is STUPID).
Cute baby, I don't get to see babies around here, just the big ones.

I caught another wild one on our porch a few weeks ago and managed to get a video, but it turned out very dark.

I think the reason I'm scared is that people used to bring us grown coons and possums in cages to fatten up and me being the oldest I'm the one that had to feed them . These things were not happy about being caught and they tried everything they could to get to me through the wire. They were wild and scared. And I was even more scared than them!! Go ahead and post your phobia over there- it can't be worse than some of the ones already there- Some people don't even like cotton balls.

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