Oh dear......here we go again!!!!! *sigh*

So sorry that he didn't make it.
So sorry he didn't make it. I was pulling for the little guy. I have always loved possums. My mom fed one on her back porch for many years.
For those of you thinking about collecting babies from a dead one, keep in mind that they do play dead. Wouldn't want anyone getting bit.
Last summer my dog was fussing outside and I found a possum laying on the ground by his house. My dog was scared to death of it. I picked it up by the tail and sat it on a picnic table. I asked my husband to go out and dispose of it. He came back inside asking, "what possum?" It was only playing dead.
AWW I hate it didn't make it!! I had one once but I let a lady at the vet I went to finish raising it.. I found out they only live about 2 years I didnt want to go through the heartache!! It would wrap its tail around the underneath part of my hair and hang out.. ha ha...
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We don't have opposums up here, but they were around in So. Cal where I grew up. Never cared much for the adults, but OMG, the babies are cuter'n snot!

I love that photo...so sweet. Good for you for stopping and finding him.

edited to add: I didn't read through... I'm so sorry he didn't make it. Perhaps he was too cold too long...
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I've been on that side of it too, we lost a horse due to that disease it was horrible.. They get it from eating where opossum dropping have been. Most all horse's will test positive of having the parasite in their system but it only effects a certain percentage.. Horrible thing to have to deal with!!

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