Oh My Gosh must read makes you want to be more self sustainable


11 Years
Mar 20, 2008
Have you heard? The sugar beet seed producers have switched over to
Monsanto's genetically modified seeds, so the sugar made from beets
in the US will be almost all from genetically modified beets - they
aren't even selling the non GMO sugar beet seeds at production level
any more. I read that a few weeks ago but didn't realize it would
hit the market so soon, this came in the Organic Consumers
Association this week:

The Organic Consumers Association' s (OCA) and allies are calling for
a boycott of all Kellogg's products after Kellogg's refuses to source
only GE-Free Sugar. Monsanto's RoundUp Ready Genetically Engineered
Sugar is due to hit stores this year, exposing millions of consumers
to untested and unlabeled "Franken Foods" that threaten human heath,
the environment and farmers' rights everywhere.
Take Action-Join the Boycott!
http://organicconsu mers.org/ kelloggs. cfm

Sign OCA's Petition to Kellogg's
http://salsa. democracyinactio n.org/o/642/ petition. jsp?
petition_KEY= 1300
Make a Free Call to Kellogg's and let them know how you feel
http://organicconsu mers.org/ ge/CallKelloggs. htm
Send a Letter to the Editor of you Local Newspapers about the Boycott
http://salsa. democracyinactio n.org/o/642/ letter/?letter_ KEY=1009

************ ****

Organic foods can't be genetically modified, but they aren't required
to test what they get to make sure the sources didn't lie/make a
mistake. Organic fair trade sugar is mostly made from sugar cane and
will remain a safe bet, but I've read that over the years the sugar
beets are quickly taking over the sugar market in the US because they
don't have the climate requirements that the cane does. The sugar
beet residue after extracting the sugar is fed to livestock and used
to make cheap wines.

OMGosh I was surprised and apalled at this. BYC should start a petition for this.​
What am i missing here? Round Up Ready beets are considered GMO, then so would be Round Up Ready Corn. What do you think all your corn products of made from? Umm corn flakes? Corn meal? Corn dogs? Unless you grow your own stuff, you're gonna eat stuff thats had chemicals on it.
My mom buys only or as much as possible from local farms (and we get eggs from our chickens lol). We get beef from a friend, chicken meat from the same person, corn from our neighbours, almost all our veggies from our farm. Of course during winter we do have to buy things from stores, but she buys all orgainic.
Have you heard of stevia? It is a sweet little herb (literally very sweet) that is easy to grow. Lots of countries use it as a sweetner. The sugar industry in the USA managed to stop that here; it basically can only be sold as a food supplement in health food stores although Krogers and some others do carry it in their organic/health food sections.

It might be very useful in a boycott of the sugar beets. It seems expensive but when you consider that 1tsp is equavlent to 3/4 to 1 cup sugar things come out fairly even. Best of all you can grow your own and dry the leaves for teas and anything you don't mind having green flecks in. You can also make an extract by soaking the leaves in vodka.
You can grow your own sugar beets, btw. I have some in my garden right now.

Making them into sugar is a whole nuther matter
*There is also honey-as long as the bees last. BTW, I think they will eventually be found responsible for the bee problem. At the very least, partly, if not entirely.

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