Oh my, someone at the lake lectured me on feeding the ducks. . .

we have no signs at our park that says "do not feed birds" would i get in trouble if i did feed them every now and then? we go once a week before we go to church stuff on Wednesday nights, maybe i could bring some scratch. plus there is only one park ranger and he doesnt come to the lake, only the play ground. i would love to get to know the ducks and geese there. that goose with the broken wing is still there. there is also a white goose there. and a pekin duck along with a few mallards and i think a cayuga. wish i could take the cayuga and the pekin home. im really kinda worried about them
.... oh well....
I wouldn't think you would get into trouble if there's nothing saying you can't feed them. Chances are if you're not supposed to, they would tell you not to do it and you won't get a fine the first time they see you do it. If you can, talk to people who work at the lake or park about them. You might want to consider contacting a rescue group about the goose with the broken wing. In my opinion, if there's a lot of domestic animals there that you're feeding, then you shouldn't get into trouble.
that makes me feel better. the gooses wing is now healed from what i know of, and there is another Canada goose there and i think they hatched some goslings in spring. at leased that's what i thought i was running around with them(forgot to add that earlier
) i think most of the ducks are mallards though, it started out with two.. a male and a female, and they hatched some duckies, now there's like 6, plus the pekin and cayuga. but all thee canada goslings flew south a while ago. but the two canada geese, (along with the white goose) are still there. this all happend a while back. i think i will go to the lake next week with some food.
See what I mean! That's exactly how I felt, like he had no idea who I was or what I know.

If it was a staff member at the lake, then that's another issue, but this was just some guy who showed up there to ride his bike.

yeah, it was just some old lady walking with her dog. and i said "im sorry, but what do you know about me? and what I know?" and she said "well, you look way to young to be working with animals and i would like it if you stoped trying to chase that goose!" i wasnt chasing it, i was following it
PEOPLE make me so mad!

Thats when you say well my ducks at home will be happy to know that I'm ignorant and know nothing, then smile sweetly and walk away
In this case, it's public property and the city doesn't want people to feed them. They use quote that portion of the hunting regulation to scare people from feeding them, but don't enforce it at all.
Do You feed the birds or not? This quote makes it sound like you do ...sometimes... "I don't usually feed the birds..." there is always someone that wants the rules they agree with enforced, and other rules are just stupid.
Do You feed the birds or not? This quote makes it sound like you do ...sometimes... "I don't usually feed the birds..." there is always someone that wants the rules they agree with enforced, and other rules are just stupid.

The point was that I wasn't feeding them at that time or even was about to. Also, this was just some guy who pulled up in his car and saw me talking to someone who, later, began feeding the birds when I walked away. I didn't need to be lectured about the effect of feeding the animals like a little child. There are people who feed them all day long and everyday, one of which was feeding them at the time I was being lectured to whom he didn't speak to directly. It was not a debate as to whether or not the no-feeding policy is a good idea or not.

Yes, I bring a small bowl of peas or lettuce about three times a year and I've fed birds at about the same frequency there before the no-feeding signs went up (by the way, the signs are only in a few sections of the lake in problem areas). And, if anyone of the staff were to tell me to stop or talk to me about it, that would be another thing. But, if any of the staff accused me of feeding them when I wasn't, then I would react the same way.
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I spend a bit of time with a group of 'older' folks. Often one of them will take off on some tangent that has NOTHING to do with anything that's going on or anyone who's around. You can't change the subject, you can't argue with them. They are just gonna rant until they're done.
Is it possible that your experience wasn't so much about him attacking you and more about him venting at the first person he came across? JMHO

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