Oh no! another disease from eggs! PLEASE READ!

And I thought I was nuts!
Yeah, I keep sending for hatching eggs. Some of them arn't fertile and I spend megabucks. New breeds take ages to establish into a breeding colony but a great way to get new genes. Its addictive this egg business.
I should be spending the money at the feedstore...................
Sunnydawn... I think your case is the worst yet.....pppllleeaaseee! LOL!

OMG!!! I do this! But I insist each carton have 1-3 of each type of egg. Then when I sell a carton (which is most every day with 20 chickens) I insist on opening up the carton and letting the buyer know who laid which egg! Oh I never even thought how strange they must think that is...
I do the same thing and it funny becuase I kindof exspect everyone else to be as excited or happy about my new flock as I am they just look at me like Im nutz. And I hear from my husband all the time (If I hear chicken or egg one more time tonight.......
This disease is terminal isn't it? OMG such an insideous disease too.
Started with just a small contact and then grew and grew and is now completly out of control.
LOL... just this morning, i'm cracking 3 eggs for scrambled and i ask DH where he was to come here. He came from downstairs and i said to him....you want to see the difference between a fertile egg and a non fertile one....he looked at me very strangly....but i knew i had him b/c he didn't know the difference either..... but b/c of BYC...i know now....

i check the eggs all of the time now...

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