Oh no! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!!

I've been been following this thread, RobinsBrood... how is your Son? How is Brownie? Sending
from Wyoming
Post #29...

Brownie is still hanging on. She does nothing at all except sleep, but she's still alive. DS says when she is awake she keeps her eyes closed. Poor little geriatric thing. sad DS's collarbone must be healing because he is only asking for pain meds 2x a day now, when he gets up and before he goes to bed... and he has gone from taking his prescription Hydrocodone to OTC Ibuprofen.

Sad news. We went off to my cousin's surprise 40th birthday party this evening and came home to a dead little Brownie. She looked like she had simply gone to sleep. My son wasn't nearly as upset about it as he would have been if he had not known that she was dying for the last week and a half, so the being prepared for it part was a blessing. Still, he was sad. We'll have a little gerbil funeral tomorrow.

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