Oh no -- quail calculus!


Jun 11, 2020
SF Bay Area
My son's housepet quail, Bean, died this weekend -- she was abducted by a cat from her dust bath and we think there were internal injuries.

After 3 nights of only getting a few hours of sleep playing nurse to Bean, my sleep-deprived self agreed that a pair of button quail would be appropriate as housepets instead if Bean didn't make it. After performing Saturday's funeral and then staying up til 11pm last night soothing tears, I "accidentally" bought 3 dozen eggs on ebay :caf instead of the dozen I'd originally intended -- the logic being that many shipped eggs don't hatch, and we want enough for Tony to choose his favorite pair.


f(Bean) 36 button eggs
(-1)coturnix D/dx = 2 house quail + (lordy what what I thinking)

And this is how quail math happens at my house. :lau
My son's housepet quail, Bean, died this weekend -- she was abducted by a cat from her dust bath and we think there were internal injuries.

After 3 nights of only getting a few hours of sleep playing nurse to Bean, my sleep-deprived self agreed that a pair of button quail would be appropriate as housepets instead if Bean didn't make it. After performing Saturday's funeral and then staying up til 11pm last night soothing tears, I "accidentally" bought 3 dozen eggs on ebay :caf instead of the dozen I'd originally intended -- the logic being that many shipped eggs don't hatch, and we want enough for Tony to choose his favorite pair.


f(Bean) 36 button eggs
(-1)coturnix D/dx = 2 house quail + (lordy what what I thinking)

And this is how quail math happens at my house. :lau
:hugs:hugsso sorry to hear bean didn’t recover. have you had buttons before?? they are very interesting. my remaining 2 pair are all in the aviary and doing really well.
What varieties did you get? Do you have any idea? These are my mutts.

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