Oh no, the coyote's back!

if it acts so strange it might also be a coydog. i have heard them. when coyotes start to sing at night, a sort of coyote/dog song comes up in the chorus, and then just straight dog. i think they run in packs together here in central texas, just outside of town. the coyotes that are inbred with domestic feral dogs do scare me more than a regular wild coyote. who knows what kind of dogs are getting dumped out there (and this is from someone with two rescue strays). i heard in the big thicket in east texas there are 90 LB coyotes.

i love coyotes, personally. especially when they have room to be wild just do their thing. sorry to all the haters out there. i think we put ourselves in their path, not the other way around. but i understand the damage they can do, and you gotta do what you gotta do when it comes to keeping your animals and yourselves safe. and if coyotes are anything, it's adaptable.
So he made his first appearance on our property today! Right at the bottom of our driveway... but Mary, our dog, who finally decided to stay awake for once, smelled it and charged down the driveway. It took off fast. He'll be back though. My birds have to stay locked up today,
poor babies, they'll be miserable.

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