Oh no! :(

OMG, how funny. I wondered what had happened to the swans. I only saw them once or twice I think but I did notice that they were no longer there and hoped that they hadn't died. I can't remember how they got there in the first place but I remember hearing about trying to remove them though I didn't know the whole story at the time. They've tried to remove all the ducks at one time or another and it never works.
You'd hope so

I hope for the best for the lil future ducklings, and hope you get some good photos
At this lake, there should be enough natural food available for the ducks that can't fly off and feed somewhere else, I think. I do know that some people will be feeding them, but not as much. For me, I am mostly concerned with ducks that are either disabled in some way or were dumped off there and can't fly away.

There is another lake, though, where the actually want people to feed them because there's very little natural food. So, I tell anyone who feels the need to feed animals to go over there.

I hope I get lots of photos of them, too. It'll be harder this year with fewer people feeding them. But, they will be in less danger from being exposed to predators when they come to get the food.

One good thing about the feeding ban is that I see a lot less children (and adults) throwing rocks or chasing the birds around.

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