Oh NOOOOO! Round worms!!

Yes. Tried that bought the Food grade DE with the herbs in it last year...I still had to do the wazine...thanks but for some reason that really didn't seem to help.
My two big questions are ...Can I just go with the eprinex and what can I spray in the run that will destroy the eggs if there is such a thing.
Thanks again!

DE does not work by giving it to them and then stopping or a one or few time dosage. It is not a chemical killer like a poison dewormer is. I HAVE killed worms in dogs and cats with DE. It is a process. Our animals get it in their food everyday. DE will NOT immediately get rid of an infestation. If your animal has obvious signs of infestation; by all means, deworm them to get them all out..if it is a mild case; which I have seen, then giving the DE daily over time will eliminate and prevent.

If I rescued any animal and saw massive amounts of parasites, I would not use DE to kill them either. I would choose to deworm but..but then I WOULD be adding DE to their food to make sure their system stays clear. We have used DE for years and it works.
One large roundworm in a chicken sheds thousands of eggs to be deposited into the soil, those eggs in the soil will be picked up by other chickens and the lifecycle starts over. DE is ineffective when wet...the insides of a chickens innards are wet, therefore DE doesnt work as a wormer. I'm sure your vet approves DE as a wormer for your dog and cats...as any vet would...ask them
Yes. Tried that bought the Food grade DE with the herbs in it last year...I still had to do the wazine...thanks but for some reason that really didn't seem to help.
My two big questions are ...Can I just go with the eprinex and what can I spray in the run that will destroy the eggs if there is such a thing.
Thanks again!

DE does not work by giving it to them and then stopping or a one or few time dosage. It is not a chemical killer like a poison dewormer is. I HAVE killed worms in dogs and cats with DE. It is a process. Our animals get it in their food everyday. DE will NOT immediately get rid of an infestation. If your animal has obvious signs of infestation; by all means, deworm them to get them all out..if it is a mild case; which I have seen, then giving the DE daily over time will eliminate and prevent.

If I rescued any animal and saw massive amounts of parasites, I would not use DE to kill them either. I would choose to deworm but..but then I WOULD be adding DE to their food to make sure their system stays clear. We have used DE for years and it works.

I'm glad the DE works for you. I used the de/herbal remedy from April 2010 to late fall last year. I did not see any parasites but my egg production dropped and my girls were off.....that's when I used the wazine. THe other day was the first time that I have ever seen a worm coming out of ....well you know:sick. It was a bird that I had aquired from a friend. Yes. She went through quarantine but I did not think of deworming her. I have no idea why that is.....just didn't happen.
Most of my chickens are the Isa browns and let me tell you nothing stops them from laying.....that's why I figured something was amiss this past winter.

I have no problem gving them a dose down the old throat a roo. It will take awhile but like Dawg said I would rather know for sure that they are all dosed properly.

This web site is soooooo COOL! Thanks again!
Dont be nervous, it's very easy to do. Here is an easy way to do it; Gently pull the wattles down, the chicken will open its mouth. You can dribble a few drops in her mouth at a time and she will swallow the liquid by herself. Before you actually dose her, practice pulling the wattles down to get an idea how to go about it...then go ahead and dose once you're comfortable with it. Sometimes you gotta be quick putting the liquid in their mouth. You might want another person to hold the chicken while you dose them if you still feel uneasy about it. You'll do just fine...good luck.
Dont be nervous, it's very easy to do. Here is an easy way to do it; Gently pull the wattles down, the chicken will open its mouth. You can dribble a few drops in her mouth at a time and she will swallow the liquid by herself. Before you actually dose her, practice pulling the wattles down to get an idea how to go about it...then go ahead and dose once you're comfortable with it. Sometimes you gotta be quick putting the liquid in their mouth. You might want another person to hold the chicken while you dose them if you still feel uneasy about it. You'll do just fine...good luck.

Dawg- They don't have wattles yet. They're only about 5-6 weeks old. I was a dumb new chicken owner and let them have worms and slugs that I found while building a new bed outside their run last week and now they're gaping their mouths open all the time like they're trying to swallow something.
Can I just gently apply downward pressure to where the wattles will be? And how does their age affect the dosing?
I just gently hold their head with their beak pressed against my index finger the beak will open up a little from the pressure and I gently let the liquid follow the line of the beak. That seems to work for me!

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