Oh procrastination..


8 Years
Mar 4, 2011
Clanton, Alabama
I love it.
I have three chapters to do lessons on, have two six page papers to write, have to go find a manager/supervisor to let me interview them, have discussion questions to answer, and take a quiz.
They're not all due this week, but within the next two weeks. I hate that I'm trying to do homework, but can't seem to stay away from BYC.
It's VERY addictive. I like looking at the baby chicks so I can try to learn how to tell the breeds apart. I grew up with chickens, but we always got the same breed so I don't have much experience with the different breeds. Now my boyfriend (grew up a city boy with no experience with animals, still is scared when he picks up a chicken and it makes a noise, thinks he's hurting it.
) and I have a bunch of different ones.
Plus since I'm sort of new, I like to get involved in different discussions to maybe make some chicken friends.
I have raised chickens for about 30 some years and still learn something new here about them. There is a site called feathersite that has some really good info on breeds and lots of pictures of adults and chicks and I often go there when someone posts one of those "what chick is this" posts to figure out what it is. Your boyfriend just needs to hold those chicks a little more:) Learning and hearing about the new breeds is kind of fun also. I am intrigued by the Tetra Tints for example and I try to figure out what they crossed to get them and duplicate them myself just for fun.
I'm going to check out that site, thank you. My favorite breed is the Buff Orpington, because that's what breed my baby is.
I really REALLY wanted a Jersey Giant hen this year, but nobody was getting them and I didn't want to order a million (25 is the minimum) chicks just to get one Jersey Giant. We settled on getting a bunch of different breeds that we looked up, and some just because they were cute.
We still have, I think, two that we don't know the breed of. Nobody on here has given me a definite answer.

As for my boyfriend, he acted like he didn't like them at first, but this year when we went to get one chick, we left with six because he "didn't want the new one to be alone."
He built them a new coop this year as well and loves to go out and sit with them. It's just when they make noise when he picks them up he feels like he's hurting them. The first time our hen did her "egg song" he thought she was dying and ran in the house and was like, "HURRY! THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH BUTTERBALL!" Of course I went out there and explained to him that she had laid an egg, trying really hard not to laugh at him. Poor guy, he was so concerned.
That is funny about the egg getting laid. I have had both BOs' and JGs' they are great birds and good broodies. I am born andraised in the country and know what you are going through about city folk. I had a girlfriend once that insisted that she help me gut a deer. She had never done it before or seen it done for that matter. I will skip the details but she turned green andImean green when the smell hit her, I laughed and she got sick. My now wife is a country girl she would hold the deers' leg for me without hesitation. I should mention my last BO just hatched out 8 of 9 eggs I put under her.
Haha! I'm too much of an animal lover to gut a deer. I wouldn't get sick, but would probably cry.
My Buff is only a year old, as of a few weeks ago. She's been really good to lay us eggs all through the winter even, but hasn't gone broody. We also don't have a rooster, but I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. We used to have a hen (when I still lived at home) that quit laying eggs when she got older but always thought she could hatch the fake eggs. I felt really bad for her.
Oh, and I'm so jealous that you've got JG's. We're no longer forum friends.
(just kidding
I should tell you JGs are slow to mature, they get huge. I actually prefer the Australorp and the strain I have get big and are beautiful birds. I have 9 BOs and 2 roos with them and only 1 went broody this year so I am not sure on whether a rooster helps. JGs are better I think anyways on going broodie.
I don't mind if they take longer to mature. I think they're beautiful birds and just really want one. My grandma has two of them and I thought about just stealing hers.
Hers weren't hand raised though, so I don't really want them. I like for my chickens to love to be handled and want attention. I got them as pets for a reason.

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