Ohiki Chicken Thread

haha cant do that, I'm right there with you. Gone threw an entire 10 x 100 foot roll of heavy plastics wrapping up all the brooders and grow out pens here too. Doing about 50-75 chicks a week right now, 10-20 ohiki if I'm lucky, they just about stopped once it got cold. But plenty in the grow out pens coming along. Looks like a good many culls, but some really nice ones too seems to be.
Ha! That is a lot Toni and Aubrey. I am really working on ginger red and black this year. Will probably hatch a few bb reds but maybe 50 to 75 each ginger and blacks so I get some to pick from. I hatched probably 70 or so bb reds last year and am very happy with them.
that should give you plenty to pick from I'd think.
I do have a ton of chicks here, but it's a mix of everything, Ohiki, phoenix, sumatra, d'anver, and china games, with the bulk being some phoenix stuff I'm working on. This time of year I really dont ship anything out, and I cant toss an egg so I just hatch them all and see what makes it threw the winter, those seem to usually makes some pretty tuff birds for me, the ones that make a winter as a chick that is.

Decided to build a new set of brooder pens on the ground this year. want to do 3 or 4. 1 for each breed so I can keep up with what I have in each breed a little easier. Got one done for now. made them 10 x 24 fully covered, then double wrapped it in plastic for the winter and put 6 250 watt heat lamps in it. Man for the first try, it's working perfectly. After the chicks are nicely feathering up, usually 6 weeks or so, I've been moving them on into it so they arent crowded in the 3 x 8 off ground brooders. So far so good. Hoping being on the ground more helps tuffen them up some at an earlier age. and with 6 lights, boy it's like a tropical green house in there. Plan to get the other 2 or 3 done in March or so when I really start hatching a bunch, think this one will get me threw the winter for now. It's pretty much just a few phoenix laying now with a couple ohiki and d'anver scattered in the mix. Will try and take a few pics of it next weekend when I'm off again
Ha! Honestly I don't know what to call him. The coloring splashed through him looks like Khaki or Dunn. I have a solid Dunn hen I may put with him and see what happens. I am also thinking of putting him with some reds and see if I get some pyles. I believe he is keeping a secret!!
dominate white would be nice. I want to make some pyles eventually. Always loved those on Toni-Marie's site. May have to use some of my bantam phoenix to do it though. Would take a few years of back breeding to get 'em back right, but I just love a pyle in anything, that and crele. If you figure him out, let us know...
I've been busy taking chicken pictures
I've got 17 Ohiki chicks at various stages, here are some of the newest. Can anyone tell me what color the fellow or gal is in the first picture with the yellow face with the multi color body? His body color reminds me of the merle coat color dogs can get. His body has large black spots, areas of grey with black flecks, yellow mixed randomly over that, and to top it off one white wing. LOL.

This rooster is from Amanda's Flytie/Ohiki eggs that hatched at the end of April. He is one of two whose tails grew really long, really fast compared to the others. Is that the Flytie influence? The others I'm thinking are developing more like Ohikis, which if I'm understanding correctly, take longer to develop length. Does that vary much? The ones with slower growing tails look like they have more Ohiki "type" to me. This boys tail is carried a bit lower than the more Ohiki type birds and his saddle feathers already drag on the ground. I think he is just stunning.

This is Tchaikovsky or Tchai for short


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