Ohiki Chicken Thread

yes it is Chuck, you might as well go on and do it...
Oh my! I've read every page on this thread and I must say.....I would love to own and further this breed. I totally understand why birds aren't commonly sold. You just can't take chances with such a delicate situation as an endangered breed such as this. I am a lover of all things chicken but if I had to pick a favorite, I'd say cochin would be way up there at the top at least. I'm also amazed and fascinated with the longtailed breeds. This breed seems to me like a perfect combination of both. I admire and respect all of you who are taking the time and dedication to preserve this beautiful little bird. I'm going to read read and read some more and gather all the info I can in order to gain the knowledge I would need to even consider having some for myself. One thing I can offer if Im ever blessed with these beauties is time and space. I'm a stay at home momma!
For now, I'm hoping with all hope that I can get started in Tolbunt Polish. Another rarity albeit color and not breed. I feel like I'm the type of person that would be perfect for helping a few rare breeds in need of continued improvement as I can devote all the time and attention in the world, I'm like a sponge when it comes to advice and wisdom that you experts can give, and truly, I could care less about "making money" off my birds. Honestly, I feel like if money is made after all the feed, bedding, and various other expenses that are aquired raising poultry, then what's left can be spent on building more pens or buying new bloodlines for continued improvement of the breed. I am passionate about my birds. They bring me such joy words cannot express.

Anyway. There's my two cents. Lol Not that anyone asked for it!
Amanda, your artwork is simply AMAZING! I would loooove to be able to paint like that! I'm gonna have to check into getting a painting from you. Maybe one of my Buff Laced Brahmas!
That is the best thing to do is read up as much as you can before trying to get them. Cochin bantams was my favorite breed also but after getting the Ohiki they took that spot! If you would like to know more on the breed Marc's site http://www.longtail-fowl.com/ohiki.html has a lot on the breed or you can go over to the forums onagadori.net and there you can read a lot on them from what we all over there talk about. Also you can pm me anytime if you got anything to ask.

Amanda's work is very nice I love the one she did for me.

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