OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

im just looking to get a few dark cornish. they dont have to be show quality. if you have a few extra or chicks to sell i would love to pick a few up when i get back from my deployment. i should return home in about 2 months.
i am in southern ohio, what i do have are descent quality, but i dont look for show quality prices on them. the 2 month thing is good, ive cut back on hatching due to high local temps. but i can get you a few hatched and started. if i start and raise them for a while i do charge a little extra. send me a pm with what you think your looking for and ill get you a price.
I'm out by Zanesville! Fairly new to chickens and I went a little crazy
not hard to do, im pretty sure there are a few chicken addicts in this thread alone! what breeds do you have?
Oh let's see, various types of Wyandottes, leghorns, comets, Easter eggers, hamburg, ameracaunas, an Aracauna roo, blue andalusians and black australorpes. A few are suppose to be buff orpingtons, but I'm thinking the are something else and some white rocks and a lone barred rock hen. I almost forgot the 80 Cornish crosses. And 7 white silkies.
Well I might be able to talk dh into it because I plan on filling the bator again in 2 weeks. This should be my last for awhile on buying shipped eggs. But the plan is frizzled polish, isbars, and silkies. So if I come I should have an assortment of things to offer :) Now if I can find the time to make my bew brooder ill be good. Lol:D
tell him we said you need more chickens!
i know i need a few more, ive decided im going to stop buying chickens when i use over 50lbs of feed a day. oh ummmm wait, im past that - lets up that to 100lbs a day. (thank God i have a supportive wife)
She have any sisters ? Mine has had just about enough.

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