OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

South eastern Ohio too lol zville here just had a batch of my very first Chickie's hatch
Congrats Mbobb! What cute chickies!! :) Glad you finally are starting your flock! :)

Rambunctions, I have Partridge Rocks and Black Austrolorps... they are 12 weeks and getting so big! Very sweet girls too.. the BA are a bit shy but lovie too and the Rocks are a little more skittish but friendly and curious! So far of my three varieties, the EE are probably my favorites though... they are very animated, like little clowns and sweet & friendly too.
Hello from Muskingum County (southeast Ohio) … so glad to find an active Ohio thread on here! I made my introduction in the main newbie thread yesterday; but I thought I would introduce myself to my fellow Buckeyes. I grew up in Berea (suburb of Cleveland), had a farm near Akron for about five years, and have been in SE Ohio for 18 years.

We will be starting our first laying/dual purpose flock this year. Our shipment of chicks will arrive the first week of May... yay! We have been researching this venture for over a year; but, I still have so many questions, some of which are kind of Ohio specific (like the weather, lol). Thus, I am so glad to find an active Ohio thread.

As much as I hate to lead with such a creepy question, the foremost concern in my mind is snakes. We have a TON of black snakes around here, and last year we had a HUGE problem with them. Some of them even took up residence in our house! When I spoke with the local extension agency we determined that the snakes were drawn to Starling hatchlings that were nested in the soffit over our back door.

We got rid of the Starlings and the snakes; but now, my concern is that brooding chicks in our house is going to bring the snakes back in and threaten the chicks. We used mothballs to drive the snakes out, and I thought about I putting an open box outside the brooder. However, I am afraid the intense odor would harm the chicks. Heck I could hardly stand it myself last summer! We even had to board our guinea pigs at the vet's office for three days because of the heavy stench of the fresh mothballs. My primary concern is the safety of our chicks.

Has anyone had a problem with snakes? Could anyone suggest a proactive solution?
South eastern Ohio too lol zville here just had a batch of my very first Chickie's hatch
New here and live just outside zville. Nice to see a neighbor
Your chickies are adorable!
Ok Loanlizard, now you've got me curious... What do you know about the Johnstown folks?

Only what I have heard, and some are people here. Perhaps I mispoke. Being a businessperson myself I have my share of people that do not care for me and that is putting it mildly I suppose.

What I heard was horrible conditions, underweight birds, and terrible customer service.

That said, I have never been there and thus have no personal experience with them.

They are ALL OVER CL, so can't miss them. If I had the time I would market chicks. Lord knows I have a big enough incubator.
So since my lil darlings are due to arrive early February I'm calling around to get feed prices.

A wonderful person earlier in the thread had posted a few Co-Ops etc to possibly get things cheaper. I called around. This is what I got. Hopefully this will help give others options (outside of TSC!)


CountryLine -Pemberville OH
Purina- starter, medicated 17.75
Purina- Layer Granulated-17.55
Purina- Pellets- 17.15

CO-OP Service - Ida, MI
Purina 21% Medicated -14.50
17% Grower, Small Pellets-13.50
Own Mix, 16% Layer, Small Pellets-14.00

Masserant's- Lambertville, MI ( I didn't call another store, but there are several)
Purina- starter, medicated- 16.95
Country Acres- 16%, Layer- 14.25
Country Acres-16%, Grower- 15.50

Monroe Feeds- Monroe, MI
Buckeye- 17.00
He recommends Turkey Starter vs Chick starter - anyone heard of this? Seriously nice guy said to stay clear of Dumor (all my TSC has!) and Hubbard
Said he could also order me in a "Triumph" Medicated Chick Starter if that's what I wanted to go with. Buckeye brand seems pricier, but honestly this guy was awesome. I'm thinking of driving up there just for the knowledge!

Oaks Feed- Toledo,OH
Prince Brand - layer crumbles and pellets -17.95

J&B Feed -Swanton, OH
OWN MIX- Layer, 14%, MASH- 14.50

Luckey Farmers, Lemoyne (just outside Perrysburg, OH)
OWN MIX- Broiler starter for 8 weeks -15.33
OWN MIX- Layer Mash- 13.60

Anyone care to share what they feed and where they get it from? I'm located just outside of Toledo, OH. Also, anyone have a guess how much feed 15 chicks are going to go through? How long does a 50lb bag last your layers?

I'm getting more and more excited by the day!!

*editing for more updating/adding info*

Wow! I see prices have gone way up! When I stopped buying by the bag last summer, I complained if the cost was over $10.00.

I feed my birds, chicks, and pigs 16% hog grower feed. The last ton I bought last month was $324.00 or $.16 lb or $8.00 /50lb I get this at Zanesville feed supply but I have to call on the day I get it and they calculate the price.

When I did buy by the bag, 15 chicks will outgrow the 1 bag if you do like I do and after 3-5 weeks, turn them out with the big girls and boys.

I have 80 birds and I go through a sack of feed every 2-3 days. In the summer, less than 1/2 of that if any because they free range.

I am in Coshocton. Anybody interested in some barred rocks that just started or about to start laying. I am thinking about thinning the flock from 80 to 50 or so.
Congrats Mbobb! What cute chickies!! :) Glad you finally are starting your flock! :)

Rambunctions, I have Partridge Rocks and Black Austrolorps... they are 12 weeks and getting so big! Very sweet girls too.. the BA are a bit shy but lovie too and the Rocks are a little more skittish but friendly and curious! So far of my three varieties, the EE are probably my favorites though... they are very animated, like little clowns and sweet & friendly too.

I actually have BR, GLW, SLW, BAustrolorps, RIR, CW coming all in all! I really thought about getting some EE the colorful eggs, so cute! Maybe next round!!

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