OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Our biggest problem is that we have to wait for our house in FL to sell before we buy. We've been hoping to find somewhere we can rent with enough room for them until we find a place to buy. Any leads would be appreciated! We are going to be looking in the areas around Englewood.
I just figured out I won't be able to bring my flock to Ohio with me! We're going to rent a place while we look for a house and I have never heard of boarding chickens
We have 7 cochin hens, 2 bantam cochin roos, 1 easter egger. And my babies- 7 silkies, 1 EE, 1 buff something or other, and 10 quail. I am excited about the possible move, but devastated about my chickies!

Jump on craigslist for the area you're looking at and post a "housing wanted" ad. I rent, and my landlady likes chickens! So it is possible!

Newest fluffy butts! One more quail has hatched and is still in the bator, and the cornish bantam I didn't expect to make it is still in the other bator hanging in there, even with unabsorbed goop still dangling. Those tiny little bantam chicks look like Chickzillas next to the quail babies. :p :love

Oh my goodness! How cute! So sorry shaybaby that not all your eggs hatched. :hit. But what you do have is the most adorable cuddly little creatures ever! Sorry for gushing I just love baby chicks! :love
Belated, as usual, but I had a great time at the swap. Next time I'll have to set up in the thick of things, not at the end--looks like I didn't get to meet everyone who was there. Unfortunately, no one at all was in the market for roosters, so basically took my boys for a road trip! I talked with a lot of nice people though. Also, I was happy that I didn't have any escapes this time!
Thought I'd check in. Went to the last horse show of the year yesterday and came home with three 1st place, one 2nd place, and 2 grand champion. All against competition. Was only entered in those 6 classes. Can't complain!

Josh made it to Kansas ok this morning. He finally called me and was getting ready to take a shower and go get his paperwork done so he could start working. Still sucks but I do feel better since he made it out ok. I how everyone is doing well.
Good grief. Gone for a little over a week and 260+ new posts in this thread.

Just got back from a hunting trip to Wyoming. Three people, three pronghorn tags, three pronghorns in the freezers.

Even got to stay out there a couple of extra days due to the weather.

DW put one of the roasts in the slow cooker last night. Can't wait till dinner time.
I'm up to 9 quail now! 7 doing excellent in the brooder. 2 keeping the cornish chick company in the incubator (I don't expect any of those 3 to thrive. Chick seems to have neurological problems and both quail chicks have badly curled toes..tried to make shoes for them but their feet are just too tiny.), and one more still in the egg. I started doing eggtopsies and that little one was still alive. I zipped a bit for him and just left him be. If he comes out, he comes out, if he doesn't, he probably shouldn't have anyways. I can see already that his beak is a bit malformed. 2 others (including one that had pipped) passed away in egg, both deformed (small heads, eyes not formed properly, and overgrown or scissor beaked). Poor little squirts.

Congrats on the wins, Mandy!! Glad SO made it safely!

In other news, there's a random stray llama walking around in front of my house. :lau
Must have got loose from the neighbors' place. DH wanted to toss a rope around it but I advised against that. So he's going up the road to see if the llama folks are home (rumor has it they moved awhile back..surely they didn't leave this big guy behind..). Not something you see everyday. "Hey hon, I think someone just walked by the window." *opens door to greet guest* "Uh, yep. It's a llama."
Thought I'd check in. Went to the last horse show of the year yesterday and came home with three 1st place, one 2nd place, and 2 grand champion. All against competition. Was only entered in those 6 classes. Can't complain!

Josh made it to Kansas ok this morning. He finally called me and was getting ready to take a shower and go get his paperwork done so he could start working. Still sucks but I do feel better since he made it out ok. I how everyone is doing well.

That's awesome! I know those competitions are steep!

Sooo happy he got there ok!

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