OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Here's another novel post.

So my styrobator has turned into a nursery for the "special needs kids" since everyone has hatched..
The cornish chick has obvious neurologic problems. It's head shakes and it can't stand up without toppling over for more than a minute. It's hanging in there, though and seems to be getting slightly better with time so I don't have the heart to put it down until I find out if it's basic functions (eating/drinking/etc) are affected. It sure is cute.

Then there are the two quail with curled toes. I managed to make shoes for them just with tape, and it's working really well! I suspect they'll be ready to join the others soon. I know if I put them in now, though, they'll be picked on.
Normal pharaoh with barely-curled toes, in the middle, pre-shoes:

Adorable Tuxedo with very curly toes, pre-shoes:

...Then there's this poor little "thing".. The one I said I zipped a bit and noticed a malformed beak so I would left it to hatch or not.. the tough little booger hatched. And the poor thing is pretty severely deformed. It's head is a bit small, it has NO EYES so obviously blind (thankfully it seems it can hear), it has an "underbite" (I snipped a bit to correct) and slightly scissored beak, it's toes are curled (tape shoes!), and it's right wing is a bit gimpy. I know I should kill the thing, but I figure as long as he's got the will to live, I'll do the best I can for him. So right now he's got his shoes on, in a small Play-doh tub to help him learn to stand up-right. I keep getting him out and holding him hopefully to console him (he wants desperately to be with the other babies but even the gimpy ones pick on him).
Here's Frankenchicky:
(that's not a bare eye socket, just a bit of dried membrane stuck)
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I came home to a llama once. It was just on the other side of the road from my mailbox--at the time about 100 undeveloped, unused acres. I did a big double-take, that's for sure! He was halterless, but I tried to catch him anyway. He wasn't having it, and the people I thought he belonged to never answered their door. Found out much later he belonged to (and was recovered by) someone else.

Welcome back Brian!
Oh dear, ShayBaby! Poor little Frankenthing! You're going to have your work cut out for you, I think :)

I used to think that abnormalities at hatch were due to some genetic mess-up. In fact it turns out the problems usually occur during development, often due to an incubator's temperature being off. The chicks will frequently still develop, they just won't develop right.

Della, that's great for shipped eggs!
Go, chickies!!!

Brian, welcome back!!! You were missed

I've got some mucking about to do in the barn this morning -- time to start preparing for winter resettlement! Then I've got an order of eggs to wrap and get out, and at 2 I've got to go deliver five SFH chicks to a lady and pick up feed. Busy chicken day here.

I hope everyone's having a good morning!
Oh my Shaybaby! Poor little things, I hope they all turn out ok. Just curious how is Frankenchicky doing? Do you think he will survive?

Cluckitall I am having a fantastic morning and afternoon as always! lol Well as good of morning and afternoon as you can have at work!
Frankenchicky is still hanging in there, surprisingly. I expect it won't make it past a week tops but then again I didn't expect it to make it through the night either. It will drink when I "show" (>>) it the water, but haven't been able to get it to eat yet. I won't let it starve, though; if it won't eat and syringe feeding doesn't work out, I'll put him down. It's funny about the deformation usually being a result of high incubation temp. I'd heard that before and keep seeing it here, but Frankenchicky (and the two that looked like him that died at hatch) incubated in the Brinsea Mini which holds temperature like a rock and never went over 100. So I'm thinking it might have been some kind of deficiency on the mother's part..? Who knows. :idunno
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God bless you for caring for little Frankenchicky...That is just SO HARD when the wee ones hatch out with disabilities! I'm a sucker and try to keep them loved and comfortable and, as long as they aren't in any pain, let God take care of the rest. I have a coop called the "Island of Misfit Toys" where all my little special needs silkies live...and they are always the favorites when people come to visit! Snuggle bunnies!!
God bless you for caring for little Frankenchicky...That is just SO HARD when the wee ones hatch out with disabilities! I'm a sucker and try to keep them loved and comfortable and, as long as they aren't in any pain, let God take care of the rest.

That's the plan. :) We are softies!

I have a coop called the "Island of Misfit Toys" where all my little special needs silkies live...and they are always the favorites when people come to visit! Snuggle bunnies!! :love

LOL "Island of Misfit Toys" I love it!! That's so sweet!

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