OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

well its official, i have decided to sell out.  i have chickens, supplies, cages and incubators all for sale.  if anyone is interested in the whole setup (barn, cages, chickens, incubators and all) let me know and i will make you a special price.  chickens will start at $7.50 (and up) for a hen, roosters will be included free if i have them.

Do you have details about what you have available? Or possibly pics? Are you selling your barn or is it a coop? I am building a new coop and am looking for supplies etc... Thank you
well its official, i have decided to sell out. i have chickens, supplies, cages and incubators all for sale. if anyone is interested in the whole setup (barn, cages, chickens, incubators and all) let me know and i will make you a special price. chickens will start at $7.50 (and up) for a hen, roosters will be included free if i have them.
What LF breeds do you have?
well its official, i have decided to sell out. i have chickens, supplies, cages and incubators all for sale. if anyone is interested in the whole setup (barn, cages, chickens, incubators and all) let me know and i will make you a special price. chickens will start at $7.50 (and up) for a hen, roosters will be included free if i have them.

Oh no! I know that had to be a hard decision for you...
well its official, i have decided to sell out. i have chickens, supplies, cages and incubators all for sale. if anyone is interested in the whole setup (barn, cages, chickens, incubators and all) let me know and i will make you a special price. chickens will start at $7.50 (and up) for a hen, roosters will be included free if i have them.
I am so sorry to hear that. I'm sure you have your reasons but that's a huge loss to our chicken community here.

I've lost all but one of my Basque. If you still have your breeders or younger stock I would be interested. And while I have you on here, I'm wanting to add Pita Pintas as well. I have found a breeder I can get eggs from in CA. Would LOVE to find someone closer if you have a lead on someone.

Thank you Brian. I hope you'll still check in and say Hi from time to time.
Just saw on the (Cincinnati) news, reports of a barn fire in central Ohio somewhere that killed several types of poultry and livestock. Said the cause was likely the use of heat lamps. Hope it was not anybody that anybody here knows.

This recent weather really reaffirmed my appreciation for large, heavily feathered, pea combed birds. No heat, no insulation, not a hint of frostbite, or trouble, other than losing a really old silver laced Brahma hen who has been living on borrowed time for a couple years already. Probably hadn't laid an egg in years, she was so well marked, had such a nice wide head, just left her putter around.
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i cant really post everything here, i believe its against the rules. im sending out PM's, if you have asked about something and i dont get back with you, PM me.

the main reason i am selling is the move. between working and taking care of chickens - i haven't done a thing towards our new place. if one person doesn't buy me out, i will keep a few. after the move i might breed some again, i still want to do my projects LOL. after i move i do plan on building and selling coops/pens and such too. i may build some incubators too, not sure of that yet.

in other words, ill still be around - i love chickens to much to stay away from them. and you guys are kind of like a chicken loving family to me, how could i stay away?
You scared me there for a minute, Brian @loveourbirds! I thought you were gone for good. I should have known better lol. Glad you're going to pick back up after the move, but sorry it has to come to this at the moment. I'd love to take a few more off your hands if I could convince Gary..heck, I'd take the whole thing off your hands if I could afford it! :p

Sorry about the loss of your Summer, @chicknmania.
I lost my beloved little modern game roo, Stilts. Still, considering that freak cold we had, I guess I should consider myself lucky with only one loss out of 60-65ish birds (chx/ducks).
Ok, medical question. I feel like this should be obvious, like egg-bound or something even more common, but we lost a close family member yesterday and I'm just too exhausted to think.
I noticed tonight shutting the birds in for the night that one of my hens was acting funny. Henny Penny is special to me; she was one of my first two chicks that "started it all", her and the other original chick are the only two laying over winter for me, they rule the coop together, and she just has so much character. She's a LF EE, for the record. Anyways, she's acting very sluggish, just sitting in corners all fluffed up, very unusual for her. I brought her in and after awhile noticed her bottom was messy, covered in white runny poo and a chunk of pink/flesh-colored blob. Not solid, but kind of..sticky..gooey..? I held her on a towel for awhile when I felt my lap get wet through the towel and opened it to find more fleshy goo. I have her a warm soak/bath. She's eating ok (chick crumble for the night) and drinking fine. Haven't felt up the oviduct for any possible eggs yet. Does this sound like egg-bound, or something else?
Couple pictures of the "fleshy goo"..hidden, so as not to take anyone by surprise and lose their lunch:
(looks whitish in that last pic, but the towel is bright red/orange..the goop is really peachy/skin-colored like the first pic)

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