OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Hello from Wayne county ohio! We just got our first chicks from meyer. They are all so adorable and doing well! Look forward to getting to know you all!
And to the OHio thread!!
Anyone close to Grove City, OH with Silver Appleyard or Pekin ducks? Looking for eggs or chicks.


Not to far, Mt Sterling here. Out off 56 towards London. Sorry no Silver Appleyard. I lost my Pekin hen to fox. I still have my drake, but that doesn't do any of us any good. We bought the last 4 at TSC in London yesterday to rebuild our flock. I don't think they will be ordering anymore. I would call Rural King to see if they have any ducks. My brother told me Gallipolis Rural King has a bunch. Maybe some of the stores around Columbus have some. Good luck in your search. I hope you find what you are looking for.
I need help! I have a broody buff! She has been noticeably absent a lot lately well I went to shut their pop door tonight and couldn't find her anywhere. Went in search of her and nothing. Thought I better check the coop one more time........needless to say she was snug as a bug in a rug underneath the nesting boxes behind a bag of wood chips. She has a bunch of eggs under her now. Should I move her off the eggs tomorrow and get rid of all the eggs? Will she go back to it or find another spot? I don't want her to try and build a nest outside somewhere that she could get hurt! What should I do!?
So many newbies! Welcome to BYC and the OH thread, everyone!!

Shay Baby thanks for the info. I see what you mean about having a long list of breeds. Why is owning chickens such a well kept secret? I think I may have found a local in WV with my SL Wyandottes. The feed stores have told me Americaunas are hard to come by this year. There's always next year!

It really is a well-kept secret, eh! If more cities allowed backyard chickens, I suspect many more folks would discover the joy that is poultry. Glad you found some SLWs. I was going to suggest not going up to Meyers if you want nice birds. My SLW from them this year are terrible color quality and 2/3 either went lame and died or died mysteriously. Something going on in some of their breed strains, I think..
Just so you're aware, any "Ameraucanas" you find in feed stores/hatcheries are almost certainly EEs and falsely labeled as Ameraucanas or Araucanas. Perhaps you could get in touch with @minihorse927. Don't you mention a few posts later you have some AM youngsters for sale, Mandy?

Hi,  I had lot's of chicken's this winter until I had several health issues that kept me from going out... when I finally got out I found out that half of my 42 chickens were gone and then the night before I went out to see my chickens this Spring, something got into them and killed 11 of them and buried them in the chicken yard so I am down to 10 chickens until I can get some more.... I need to get rid of whatever killed those 11 first... anyone have any idea what would have done such an atrocious thing?  Judylea in Lancaster, Ohio...

So sorry about your flock! :( That would be devastating. That link Eleisha posted is very handy, indeed! I truly hope you find the beast that did it and can rebuild your flock.
I'm a couple hours from you, but my sis lives in downtown Lancaster and I visit all the time. :)

I need help! I have a broody buff! She has been noticeably absent a lot lately well I went to shut their pop door tonight and couldn't find her anywhere. Went in search of her and nothing. Thought I better check the coop one more time........needless to say she was snug as a bug in a rug underneath the nesting boxes behind a bag of wood chips. She has a bunch of eggs under her now. Should I move her off the eggs tomorrow and get rid of all the eggs? Will she go back to it or find another spot? I don't want her to try and build a nest outside somewhere that she could get hurt! What should I do!?

Are you not wanting her to hatch out the eggs? Or concerned by the location of her nest? Or..? Sorry, you probably made that clear and my sleep-deprived brain didn't get it.
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So many newbies! Welcome to BYC and the OH thread, everyone!!
It really is a well-kept secret, eh! If more cities allowed backyard chickens, I suspect many more folks would discover the joy that is poultry. Glad you found some SLWs. I was going to suggest not going up to Meyers if you want nice birds. My SLW from them this year are terrible color quality and 2/3 either went lame and died or died mysteriously. Something going on in some of their breed strains, I think..
Just so you're aware, any "Ameraucanas" you find in feed stores/hatcheries are almost certainly EEs and falsely labeled as Ameraucanas or Araucanas. Perhaps you could get in touch with @minihorse927. Don't you mention a few posts later you have some AM youngsters for sale, Mandy?
So sorry about your flock! :( That would be devastating. That link Eleisha posted is very handy, indeed! I truly hope you find the beast that did it and can rebuild your flock.
I'm a couple hours from you, but my sis lives in downtown Lancaster and I visit all the time. :)
Are you not wanting her to hatch out the eggs? Or concerned by the location of her nest? Or..? Sorry, you probably made that clear and my sleep-deprived brain didn't get it.

Lol that's alright Shay. Well I wouldn't mind having her hatch out eggs but.......I don't have a rooster! Lol and I already have 21 chicks that are 6 weeks old today! I definitely don't need any more right now! Well maybe I could use a few ;) lol. I pulled her off of the nest she made and holy moly she had 17 eggs there! :th I couldn't believe it! I took all the eggs out and put her on the roost with the others. I guess I'll keep doing this hoping that she will quit.
Ohh! That does make a difference now. :lol: Well, poor thing would be mighty disappointed pointlessly sitting her life away for almost a month lol. I'm not really sure about this since I've only had a handful go broody myself and decide halfway through they weren't ready to be moms after all, but I know there's a few good threads around here somewhere on how to break a broody. The water bucket method, for example. Hehe.
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I just had my first broody hen, I thought they were due around Easter, or around my other hatch date which would have been Sunday. She had 8 eggs under her 2 were not fertile... and it looks like so far 2 has hatched but somehow there is a Guina egg under her too! Should I give it a few days then throw it in the incubtor? I am not sure she will wait around for that one. i'm excited to see her do this!
Will there be a chance she will go broody again?
So many newbies! Welcome to BYC and the OH thread, everyone!!
It really is a well-kept secret, eh! If more cities allowed backyard chickens, I suspect many more folks would discover the joy that is poultry. Glad you found some SLWs. I was going to suggest not going up to Meyers if you want nice birds. My SLW from them this year are terrible color quality and 2/3 either went lame and died or died mysteriously. Something going on in some of their breed strains, I think..
Just so you're aware, any "Ameraucanas" you find in feed stores/hatcheries are almost certainly EEs and falsely labeled as Ameraucanas or Araucanas. Perhaps you could get in touch with @minihorse927. Don't you mention a few posts later you have some AM youngsters for sale, Mandy?
So sorry about your flock! :( That would be devastating. That link Eleisha posted is very handy, indeed! I truly hope you find the beast that did it and can rebuild your flock.
I'm a couple hours from you, but my sis lives in downtown Lancaster and I visit all the time. :)
Are you not wanting her to hatch out the eggs? Or concerned by the location of her nest? Or..? Sorry, you probably made that clear and my sleep-deprived brain didn't get it.
I do have 3 Black ameraucana chicks for sale

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