OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Here are some sides of my RIR

looks like a pullet. Check down by the tail and see if you see about pointy, shiny saddle feathers trying to grow. Were they early March or late?
Another update. Meyer emailed me today and said they'd only give me credit for the 2 that died the first week, nevermind the other 21... Credited me a whole $3.98. Woo. Yeah, they can keep that. I stand by what I said, still never ordering from them again. And can't honestly recommend them to anyone.

That's a shame. I picked up my order and by the time I got home 2 hours later, one had its foot in deaths door.. I called Meyer immediately and they said they couldn't guarantee picked up orders. I had 15 chicks in that box and it wasn't cold. I don't understand why they would guarantee chicks that have been in boxes for 24+ hours and not one that was in a box for two.

But I'm a hard lesson learner i guess and I ordered more. Loved going there and picking through the bargain bin of chicks trying to guess what they were. I'm going to be more vigilant and picky when I pick up my order this time and if one does not seem right, I'm not taking it or paying for it.

Anybody know of other hatcheries in Ohio besides Mt. Healthy? They are a bit far for me.
, sorry about your bad hatch. I know it's so frustrating waiting impatiently for nearly a month for nothing to come of it.

That's funny. I prefer to incubate because I haven't had a single broody be able to hatch out eggs so far.
Of course, I've only had hens go broody about a half-dozen times so far, but they've all failed miserably as egg-mommies. I tried putting some "good" (showgirl and mille fleur cochin) eggs under my SG hen that's broody now, and she kept burying the dang things and killed them. She's not the brightest crayon in the box, admittedly, but the NN that's also broody did the same thing..let them get too cold while she had her "me time" and killed hers. I just can't trust them.

The buff silkie hen (dubbed Rosie) is doing fantastic. I adore her so much!
She's running with the rest of the flock now and took straight to my black silkie roo (appropriately, "Romeo"). She's his lady and they cuddle alone together in the coop at night lol. Sadly (so so so sadly), the sg roo ("Colonel") passed away suddenly and mysteriously when I was away for a couple days spending time with my sis in Lancaster and left DH in charge of the farm.
Probably wasn't DH's fault, so he is forgiven..but sure wish I knew what went wrong. I just loved that little guy.

Of the broodies that I have had, which is only 2 that I have let hatch eggs, they did great. The first one was a d'uccle. She hatched I believe 5-6. Then the fox got her and a couple of the chicks.
Then this one. She is a silver spangled hamburg. I never dreamed she would be broody. They are flighty. She came up missing about 5-6 weeks ago along with another ssh and an ee. A couple of weeks later I saw something fly out of the barn. And you guessed it, it was a ssh! And by the way, the other 2 that was missing both showed up a couple of days later! There's a whole other story about the ee! We got to looking around in the barn and found her sitting on a nest in a nail bin that was just big enough for her to set in. It was more than 3 ft off the ground. We let her sit them and when we thought they should be ready, we looked under her and there were 14 eggs under her!!
I don't know where she thought she was going to put all of them if they all hatched.
There was barely enough room for her! So we candled them and only 7 were good. We moved her and the eggs to a brooder pen, (the hoop house) and let her hatch there. She hatched 3. After a couple of days she left the nest with 3 eggs in the nest. They were cool so we picked them up and as we did we could hear cheeping in one of them!!! It had pipped, so we brought it in and put in the bator with the eggs I had in there. The next day out hatched a sweet little gray chick! I left it until the next day in a box with heat lamp. I then took it out and set it down in the brooder. The momma hen was talking to the others, and that little chick went flying over to her. It's like he knew who she was! You could almost hear it say "momma!"
Well she looked at that little chick and gave it a swift peck on the noggin and scooted the others in the corner! But that little chick didn't give up! He followed her as she went from one corner to the other. She gave it another peck, not hard, but just a little one. But she got so interested in watching me, and the little chick was mixing in with the other 3 and from that point on, he was one of the gang!! They are almost 2/1/2- 3 weeks old now. So awesome to watch a momma hen with her babies!!
I love Rosies name! I'm so glad she is doing well and found her Romeo!! So sorry for the loss of the sg roo.
but sometimes that just happens. We had a rooster running around one time in our neighbors yard and she called to tell me he just dropped over dead!!! And no, she didn't kill him!!!
They love my chickens, but never found out what happened to him. Just sorry it was the sg. I know how much you love them. Did you ever get any babies from him?
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Hold the phone! Chocolate Cochins??? LF or bantam? Cochins are one of my favorite breeds and chocolate is one color I haven't berm able to get a hold of yet. Way too cute!
bantam only at this time, my lf cochin blacks are growing. hopefully this fall or this winter I'll start working on large fowl.

these are just a little project of mine cause I know there's not a whole lot of people working on chocolate Cochin in Bantam or large fowl. I'm using the Recessive sex-linked chocolate not the dun gene.
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Of the broodies that I have had, which is only 2 that I have let hatch eggs, they did great. The first one was a d'uccle. She hatched I believe 5-6. Then the fox got her and a couple of the chicks.
Then this one. She is a silver spangled hamburg. I never dreamed she would be broody. They are flighty. She came up missing about 5-6 weeks ago along with another ssh and an ee. A couple of weeks later I saw something fly out of the barn. And you guessed it, it was a ssh! And by the way, the other 2 that was missing both showed up a couple of days later! There's a whole other story about the ee! We got to looking around in the barn and found her sitting on a nest in a nail bin that was just big enough for her to set in. It was more than 3 ft off the ground. We let her sit them and when we thought they should be ready, we looked under her and there were 14 eggs under her!!
I don't know where she thought she was going to put all of them if they all hatched.
There was barely enough room for her! So we candled them and only 7 were good. We moved her and the eggs to a brooder pen, (the hoop house) and let her hatch there. She hatched 3. After a couple of days she left the nest with 3 eggs in the nest. They were cool so we picked them up and as we did we could hear cheeping in one of them!!! It had pipped, so we brought it in and put in the bator with the eggs I had in there. The next day out hatched a sweet little gray chick! I left it until the next day in a box with heat lamp. I then took it out and set it down in the brooder. The momma hen was talking to the others, and that little chick went flying over to her. It's like he knew who she was! You could almost hear it say "momma!"
Well she looked at that little chick and gave it a swift peck on the noggin and scooted the others in the corner! But that little chick didn't give up! He followed her as she went from one corner to the other. She gave it another peck, not hard, but just a little one. But she got so interested in watching me, and the little chick was mixing in with the other 3 and from that point on, he was one of the gang!! They are almost 2/1/2- 3 weeks old now. So awesome to watch a momma hen with her babies!!
I love Rosies name! I'm so glad she is doing well and found her Romeo!! So sorry for the loss of the sg roo.
but sometimes that just happens. We had a rooster running around one time in our neighbors yard and she called to tell me he just dropped over dead!!! And no, she didn't kill him!!!
They love my chickens, but never found out what happened to him. Just sorry it was the sg. I know how much you love them. Did you ever get any babies from him?
Awww, that's so cute about the little chick joining the others! Glad momma finally accepted it! And nope, I don't think Colonel ever gave me babies. Not that I know of, at least. I never saw him mounting, but I did hatch out a black silkie chick last week that could be either his or Romeo's.
Shay sorry your still having problems with Meyer. I ordered there this year instead of Mt. Healthy. I only lost one of my 24 due to a crop problem. Mini horse, nice chocolate chick! I am still having transition issues with my one yr. olds and the 14 week olds. But health wise my birds are good. Those Brahmas sure are big! I have such beautiful chicks this year but yeah I am biased. Charmedbychicks I have heard that Mt. Healthy has been having outbreaks of salmonella the past year.My one year olds came from there and I have had no problems with them.
Wonderfully smooth pastel yellow- but I don't think I want it in my eggs please:) Did your chickens open it for you?

I could never live within driving distance of an actual hatchery. Bargain bins, extra chicks, sales, associate friends? I'd never be sane again and folks would be asking if my place was a part of the hatchery!!!

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