OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Anyone in need of any roosters?  Free to anyone who wants to add them to their flock otherwise they are heading to freezer camp.  All are large fowl although the ameraucanas seem to be small/progressing slowly.  Located in Pickaway County.  I can send pictures if anyone is interested.

1 - Cochin (hatched 4/27)
1 - Light Sussex (hatched 4/27)
1 - Silver Penciled Rock (hatched 4/27)
3 - Lavender Ameraucana (hatched 5/21)

Well darn, you had to be within driving distance of me. :lol: I really don't *need* more roos, BUT.. would you care to PM me pics if you get time? :oops:
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Anyone in need of any roosters? Free to anyone who wants to add them to their flock otherwise they are heading to freezer camp. All are large fowl although the ameraucanas seem to be small/progressing slowly. Located in Pickaway County. I can send pictures if anyone is interested.

1 - Cochin (hatched 4/27)
1 - Light Sussex (hatched 4/27)
1 - Silver Penciled Rock (hatched 4/27)
3 - Lavender Ameraucana (hatched 5/21)
Here are photos if anyone is interested. My 5 year old son is trying to convince me that his favorite (the light susex) is really just a hen with a big comb! I have been trying to explain to him why we cannot keep 6 roosters in our little flock so he told me that next year we should just get "hen" eggs so we don't hatch any roosters. Wouldn't that be nice?!!

My grandma has raised chickens all her life, and she can actually tell by the shape of the egg, what sex the chick will be! She makes sure she always has two roosters, but she knows! Im mean like she never hatches roosters unless she wants them!
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I don't think I've posted here before. I am near Jamestown, halfway between Xenia and Wilmington. It was suggested I might find a home for my 16 month old rooster here. Rudy is a Buff Orpington. My four hens are not enough to keep him happy, I think, and they are all stressed. I would like to find a home for him that does not include a stew pot. Any takers?
Welcome to the thread! :) As of right now, I'm not looking for roosters, but maybe someone will be interested.

I realized today that I am pretty sure at least one of my hens is not a pure barred rock, and one may not be a pure black australorp. One of the barred rocks has a lot of extra white on her wing feathers, and she has a bit of pretty iridescent green sheen on her back, just like the australorps. And one of the australorps looks like she might have a very faint barred pattern near the back of her wings. Both look mostly like they are supposed to look, but maybe one parent was a mixed breed? I guess it doesn't really matter much - it makes it easier to tell them apart, and both breeds are good layers. I may not buy from this person again though... There is nothing wrong with mixed breeds, though, if I just want eggs and I am not focused on breeding or anything, right?
I don't think I've posted here before. I am near Jamestown, halfway between Xenia and Wilmington. It was suggested I might find a home for my 16 month old rooster here. Rudy is a Buff Orpington. My four hens are not enough to keep him happy, I think, and they are all stressed. I would like to find a home for him that does not include a stew pot. Any takers?

One possibility might be to take him to the little chicken swap across from Caesar Creek flea market Sunday morning. Your no pot requirement complicates it some, but you might find someone interested, or you could get him a couple more hens.

Can anyone tell me what breed of chicken this is? It has a pea comb, mostly white legs, gold coming through on the head and wings. Also looks like we have some purple showing through too. It came in an order from Sandhill. We didn't order a barred chicken and they haven't answered my emails. Thanks guys.

Can anyone tell me what breed of chicken this is? It has a pea comb, mostly white legs, gold coming through on the head and wings. Also looks like we have some purple showing through too. It came in an order from Sandhill. We didn't order a barred chicken and they haven't answered my emails. Thanks guys.

Off the top of my head, I can not think of any breed that has that combination of features.

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