OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

It has been so hot that I decided to use a plastic container to make a block of ice to put into the waterer. So today I brought in the plastic 1 gal. waterer, scrubbed it out, and dumped in the block of ice as I filled the dome. But it didn't fill, so I looked it over and found that I had busted a hole in the top when I dropped in the ice. Duh. So I had to get out the winter metal waterer and run out to buy a new plastic one. So now the weather has changed to a nice cooler drizzle, and it's probably 20 degrees cooler than yesterday and the hens don't really need ice in the water. Sheesh.
I have several 2 ltr bottles I cut the tops off and make ice cubes out of. My 3 gal waterer will take 2 of them. I also have a 1 gal metal waterer with that metal strap/handle across the opening...so it gets 2, 24 oz bottle ice cubes.
My kids are spoiled so they get frozen treats too. The end of a watermelon with the watermelon broken up and put back in the bowl then frozen. I've even made frozen yogurt smoothies. LOL
I love the frozen water bottle ideas ladies. I use them as ice packs for kids lunches or our activities so why not?!?
I put half a 7lb bag of ice into waterer then fill up waterer, seems to keep cool all day. Been using the metal waterer. It over fills though and makes a mess but better to have a mess then dehydrated chickies.
Those are all such great ideas! It was so hard hot here today (near Cincinnati). I cut up a watermelon for us and fed the rinds to the chickens. They were very happy!
I do take the ice cubes out of the bottles. That way they will eventually melt and just add more cold water. The yogurt smoothies came about when I had the blender out for myself one day. LOL I had strawberry tops and some yogurt close to expiring. So I put the two in the blender then poured it in some shallow containers and froze it.
I keep debating on selling or trying to trade some of my extra chickens for rabbits or quail. I'm not really sure what to do. I really miss having rabbits, but I've never had quail. Ideas?

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