OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

After today it is supposed to get a bit warmer, then a bit warmer, and warmer still. About a week out I believe I saw its supposed to be 50* with a little rain but I'll take it! I'd rather without the rain. We have this stuff to paint the coop floor with before putting the chicks in and it's gotta be at least 50 to cure. Waiting on that good weather! Hurry on up!
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Hello all, just found the Ohio group (not sure why it took so long). But anyway my chicken raising started with hatching a few eggs a lady my wife works with gave her to put under a broody hen my father in law had. And now I'm up to those original 2 ( which were barnyard breed hen and rooster) ౩ Silver Lace Wyandotte ౩ Gold Laced Wyandotte, 2 Barred Rocks, and 1 New Hampshire Red.
Ok fellow Buckeyes I'm stumped and worried. I lost one of my older girls on the 8th. She came in and got nursed for almost 2 months before I found her gone one morning. Now one on my yearlings is showing similar symptoms. I've searched the forums with every wording I can come up with and no luck.

My current girl who seems to not be feeling well seemed fine on Monday (13th) then Tuesday she was sitting hunkered down. The universal chicken sign for I don't feel well. I picked her up and her crop was empty, (at 3:30 in the afternoon) and her butt was poo covered. Wednesday I gave her some nutrition-drench. Crop was still deflated feeling and again a dirty butt. It seemed to have intestinal lining in. Thursday and again empty crop late in the day but no dirty butt. She seemed a little perkier. She came right over with the rest of the flock but did separate herself quickly once everyone realized treats were gone. Today I checked her again. Still deflated crop. No dirty butt. I did give her some nutri-drench again.

I've seen her eat. So I don't understand why her crop is empty. She was obviously pooping. Now that most of her butt feathers are gone it's not getting stuck any more. Again today she was acting fairly normal. Maybe a little subdued. (She put one of the other girls in her place.) I'm not sure I'd she's laying or not. (My BCM are not daily layers so it's hard to say who layed what egg when.) I don't feel a stuck egg. I don't feel anything out of the ordinary in her belly.

When I spilled a bunch of the nutri-drench I decided to put it in the flock waterer as not to waist it. Everyone else seems fine. No nasty poop, no signs of worms or blood. I was hoping to add to my flock but I'm worried about what is going on. Does anyone have any ideas? Experienced something like this? I just want to figure out was is going on.
Ok fellow Buckeyes I'm stumped and worried. I lost one of my older girls on the 8th. She came in and got nursed for almost 2 months before I found her gone one morning. Now one on my yearlings is showing similar symptoms. I've searched the forums with every wording I can come up with and no luck.

My current girl who seems to not be feeling well seemed fine on Monday (13th) then Tuesday she was sitting hunkered down. The universal chicken sign for I don't feel well. I picked her up and her crop was empty, (at 3:30 in the afternoon) and her butt was poo covered. Wednesday I gave her some nutrition-drench. Crop was still deflated feeling and again a dirty butt. It seemed to have intestinal lining in. Thursday and again empty crop late in the day but no dirty butt. She seemed a little perkier. She came right over with the rest of the flock but did separate herself quickly once everyone realized treats were gone. Today I checked her again. Still deflated crop. No dirty butt. I did give her some nutri-drench again.

I've seen her eat. So I don't understand why her crop is empty. She was obviously pooping. Now that most of her butt feathers are gone it's not getting stuck any more. Again today she was acting fairly normal. Maybe a little subdued. (She put one of the other girls in her place.) I'm not sure I'd she's laying or not. (My BCM are not daily layers so it's hard to say who layed what egg when.) I don't feel a stuck egg. I don't feel anything out of the ordinary in her belly.

When I spilled a bunch of the nutri-drench I decided to put it in the flock waterer as not to waist it. Everyone else seems fine. No nasty poop, no signs of worms or blood. I was hoping to add to my flock but I'm worried about what is going on. Does anyone have any ideas? Experienced something like this? I just want to figure out was is going on.

Perhaps some probiotic would help her? I give mine yogurt every so often. I started that after a couple of them had vent gleet, which can be spread through the flock. It took a couple weeks of butt baths, anti fungal spray, and probiotics to clear it up and knock on wood but they have not had a repeat performance.
@ToniTalleyWith the older girl I gave her yogurt and at first she ate it, then wouldn't anymore. I thought she was on the mend then she just... died. I thought it must have just been her age. I can definitely give yogurt to everyone. I'm freaking out because I don't know what happened with the older hen. Now this young one seems to be having trouble. I thought maybe she ate something and gave herself a tummy ache. But the empty crop thing is what really scares me.
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@ToniTalleyWith the older girl I gave her yogurt and at first she ate it, then wouldn't anymore. I thought she was on the mend then she just... died. I thought it must have just been her age. I can definitely give yogurt to everyone. I'm freaking out because I don't know what happened with the older hen. Now this young one seems to be having trouble. I thought maybe she ate something and gave herself a tummy ache. But the empty crop thing is what really scares me.
you aid you be seen her eat? Is she actually making contact with the food and swallowing? I've had then attempt to eat and fail before.

I had one do something similar and I tube fed her and (as much as I tell everyone not to do this) threw amoxicillin at it. After 4 or 5 days of tube feeding and amoxicillin she started eating and drinking. Went through a 10 day course of meds and she is now fine. She is not laying again yet though, but is healthy otherwise.

When I found her she was just standing in the nest box leaning against the wall like she was drunk.

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