OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Hi everyone! I am looking to buy some hatching eggs. Would love some frizzles of most any breed but otherwise I am looking for: Cochin, would prefer calico over anything else. Orpington: Lavender. And any green/blue layers mutt chickies in these are fine I just enjoy having some fun colored eggs. Willing to drive anywhere south of Columbus as I am from Cincinnati. Not opposed to shipped eggs if you are outside my driving range. Thanks!

I could help with lav orps if my girls were laying better. :(
I also have a blue frizzle bantam cochin hen with a blue mottled rooster, I hatched 3 splash frizzles and a broody hatched 4 chicks last weekend. But the hen has quit laying too.

@Laurel Meadows has some gorgeous calicos. If she doesn't check in here soon, I'll find her website for you, Laurel Meadows Farm, I believe.

Not sure if I'm going to make the Nationals this weekend. I'm expecting a grandbaby tomorrow!

Thanks, WV :hugs

Hi Annanicole18 :frow I'm sorry I didn't get a notification of your post Sunday but we may have got you covered if you're the same annanicole who I shipped Calicos (from eBay) to this morning! :D

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