Ohio National- Wanted/Bringing

I have 21 Cochin and Serama eggs right now, but noboty has PM'ed me or posted that they want them! If I don't hear from anybody, they are giong in my incubator tonight! They're free, but I could use Serama or black Silkie eggs in trade.
Hi Everyone,
We will be bringing Bantam wyandottes, Columbian & Silverlaced. The silverlaced are all out of BofB & Ch RCCL winning birds. The only hens we have for breeding have all won these titles, so the babies are really nice stock. The columbians are from birds of Al Zeilberger bred stock. If we have enough room we'll also have some silkies. See you at the show.
I would love a single barred rock pullet myself...bantam would be perfect if there is such a thing...
I have a single bantam blue orpinton pullet available. Out of good stock, I just don't have any other orps to go with her.

We are leaving Friday am for Columbus. PM me if interested.

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