Is there anyone still on this forum interested in trading for a roo to help protect our girls.
Are you looking for a roo? I have a few right now, 14-16 weeks right now, that I'm selling or trading...just trying to offset what I paid for them ($10-20), they are not hatchery quality...Blue Splash Copper Marans, Chocolate Orpingtons, Ameraucana, and Light Sussex. Too nice to send to freezer camp...but not enough room in the coop for all of them....
Are you looking for a roo?  I have a few right now, 14-16 weeks right now, that I'm selling or trading...just trying to offset what I paid for them ($10-20), they are not hatchery quality...Blue Splash Copper Marans, Chocolate Orpingtons, Ameraucana, and Light Sussex.  Too nice to send to freezer camp...but not enough room in the coop for all of them....

What kind of Ameraucana where did you get them? Any pics
What kind of Ameraucana where did you get them? Any pics
I have two Ameraucana cockerels, one 'might' be sold...we're trying to make pick up arrangements. They both came from Sunnyside Up Micro Farm in Valley City, OH.., from her BBS breeding program. The one who might be sold is a Blue Splash, the other is solid black. He is the deep black that shines metallic green in the sunight. Here's a couple of photos...

We ordered three different breeds in April for each of are children to have their own and their mom picked them up on April 16th 1 day after hatch was supposed to be 4 barred rocks 4 golden buffs and 4 RiRs but they failed to tell her when she picked them up they didn't have the RiR s for us and had changed are order to 8 golden buffs we ended up picking up 4 new Hampshire reds from tractor supply so we have 3 golden buffs extra because one was eliminated by a stray dog. They turned 15 wks yesterday would like to get a decent roo from a breed with a good natured quality
We ordered three different breeds in April for each of are children to have their own and their mom picked them up on April 16th 1 day after hatch was supposed to be 4 barred rocks 4 golden buffs and 4 RiRs but they failed to tell her when she picked them up they didn't have the RiR s for us and had changed are order to 8 golden buffs we ended up picking up 4 new Hampshire reds from tractor supply so we have 3 golden buffs extra because one was eliminated by a stray dog. They turned 15 wks yesterday would like to get a decent roo from a breed with a good natured quality 

Hi! See my post a couple posts above...I have 6 cockerels that need a home and hens of their own. Just about 15 weeks old so far they have been very good boys. No signs of aggression to myself or my daughter.
Are you looking for chicks or adults to butcher now? I have some old hens that would be good for the stew pot. They are not laying much and I've caught a few eating my eggs. I would sell them to you for $3 each if you're interested. I'm in akron.
I'm looking for chicks still working on my processing/ butcher set up. I was thinking about Cornish crosses. Just because they are quick and easy.

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