Actually, I only live 45 minutes from Canton, and I am in the New Phila area quite often, and that's only about 20 minutes from Canton.

I cannot meet at the Carrollton Auction with the chicks if you are interested, but we can meet elsewhere in Carrollton. The Auction has this rule about no outside trades and/or sales on their premises.

ChevygirlBeth, yep, that's me on CL!
Actually, I only live 45 minutes from Canton, and I am in the New Phila area quite often, and that's only about 20 minutes from Canton.

I cannot meet at the Carrollton Auction with the chicks if you are interested, but we can meet elsewhere in Carrollton. The Auction has this rule about no outside trades and/or sales on their premises.

ChevygirlBeth, yep, that's me on CL!

Weird, I never knew they had that rule! People sell dogs there all the time! That's where my sister's blue heeler came from!

You're really tempting me with all those chicks... I want more, but we need to build our chicken tractor before we expand too much....
Hello from Marysville Ohio!!! I am a new mom to 3 silkies, one white, one black and it looks like a speckle!!! I also have 4 mystery bantams I got from an amish home and they are very cute and alert, should know what they are in a couple weeks, no idea on any genders but I will be getting rid of any that turn out to be roosters. I am really interested in bantam leghorns or leghorns in general. Thanks
I currently have 36 large cochin eggs in the incubator. If most hatch - I'll have cochin chicks to trade. I'm looking for a female button quail. I just hatched 5 a few weeks ago and it looks like I got all males.
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Hello from Kenton. I have 33 Rhode Island Red eggs scheduled to hatch on April 1st (no joke). I have 10 sold already, may be willing to trade some chicks.
Anyone want to buy a couple chicks? I have all pullets Barred Plymouth Rocks and either white rocks or leghorns not sure what they are yet.$2 each or $14 for all.PICK UP ONLY please! I'm in Fremont 43420

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