I am in Cleveland area, I would like to get some young brown egg layers or easter / olive egger layers, preferably under year old.
If anyone has some to sell please let me know, I don't mind traveling
Thank you
i have some
- 3 Rhode island red chicks about 5 weeks old pullets
- 2 Black australorps about 5 weeks old pullets
- black ameraucana about 8 weeks old cockerels

I was going to keep them but willing to sell if not im just going to keep
I am sorry for not having clear post, it was 3:30am when I put it together:caf
I do have 60 chicks that are between 2-10 weeks old now. What I am looking for is chickens that are laying eggs already, so I can have some eggs while waiting for those to grow up
I am looking for 3-4 started pullets. I am willing to travel within most of Ohio. Let me know what you have, how old, price, etc. You can PM me if you want.

We were talking about it and decided year old pullets/hens would be fine. Prefer hardly, brown egg layers. Please let me know if you have anything, and where. You can PM me with all the details.

Thank you.
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Hi all, new to the site. Wondering if anyone near the Cincinnati area or at least within a couple hours of cinti has any Araucana hens for sale?

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