*Ok Am I the ONLY one that does these things?*


8 Years
May 26, 2011
North Carolina
Well its ok if I am but I just hope there is someone else out there that is as addicted to chick/chickens/eggs as me!

Here are my addiction problems: Go to the Grocery store and look at every lable on the egg cartons looking to see if any are "Fertile"

Then going to a store and seeing a pen or something and saying "That would be a great brooder/cage/broody hut.

Also while in a meeting/class you start thinking about chickens/ when chicks hatch/ other chicken things and then realizing you completely didnt hear what the person was talking about.

Anyone else have problems like mine?
There is a junk dealer in Buffalo, SC that I want to stop and check out. He's got some neat stuff I'm just dying to turn into a chicken coop. Alas, I know better and drive on by.
my local grocery store just expanded the organic section and are now selling fertile eggs, for 3 weeks i have managed to walk past them empty handed, I am sure it is just a matter of time before I can not resist......and I drive around on trash day to see what people are throwing out (ssshhhhh don't tell anyone cause they allready think I am nuts)
Love it! I think we are all a bit obsessed with our chickens, some more than others. My hubby always jokes he wishes I would spend as much time with him as I do the "girls". I can't help it and once you get bitten you can't stop the fever!! I have stopped on the side of a major road and picked up wood to use for the coop!! I took a neighbors screened door they left out for the trash and used it for the run!! We are all CRAZY chicken people!!! Love the crazy chicken lady!!
Well its ok if I am but I just hope there is someone else out there that is as addicted to chick/chickens/eggs as me!

Here are my addiction problems: Go to the Grocery store and look at every lable on the egg cartons looking to see if any are "Fertile"

Then going to a store and seeing a pen or something and saying "That would be a great brooder/cage/broody hut.

Also while in a meeting/class you start thinking about chickens/ when chicks hatch/ other chicken things and then realizing you completely didnt hear what the person was talking about.

Anyone else have problems like mine?
I dont do the first one (gonna start tho xD) but i do the other 2!!

Like ill be at schol, talking to people, and started talking about chicken stuff (simple stuff like colors and breeds) the i say, realizing "Your not listening are you, and if your are you dont understand what I'm talking about do you?"

Gr, theres this girl at school who HATES chickens and say they stink (she has them, its her moms) and theres another girl who HATES birds in general !!

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