OK...Dumb Question of The Day...How Often Do Turkeys Lay Eggs?

They will lay eggs, provided that they are healthy, well fed, and mature. Of course, you do not need a tom turkey to get eggs. Turkeys are much better layers in the spring/summer than in the fall and winter. Yours might not lay till spring, but some lay a few eggs in the fall.
My girl lays just about every other day too, once or twice 2 days in a row(when she lays, it is coming into spring here in Brazil, it is opposite the U.S.).
Last time she had nine eggs, she hatched 3, one died and we have two almost 5 weeks old, mom was not good mom so they are penned with a naked neck chick and it is teaching them, all doing great.
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I couldn't tell you, those where the first Turkey eggs we got and wanted babies, so they went under Tilly!
The eggs are thicker/richer than chicken eggs but not as thick as a duck egg. Our favorite eggs are Goose eggs followed by turkey or quail.

Steve in NC
We have eaten our turkey eggs and find them comparable to chicken eggs just larger.
Our girls lay about every other day as well. Out of 5 females we get around 3 a day so some lay 2 days in a row at times.
I must agree that duck eggs are much richer and much better for baking.


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